[artinfo] Commoning Art and Culture (Webinar)

Kristóf Nagy knagykristof at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 12:48:05 CET 2021

*Commoning Art and Culture Webinar*
Thursday, 4 February 2021 16:00-19:30

How could culture be democratized and how is it linked to the
post-capitalist transformation of our societies based on the principles of
democracy, sustainability, and solidarity?
In these two webinars, we are going to engage first with the theory, then
with the practice of commoning in cultural institutions. We will pose
questions about the relation between commons, social reproduction,
aesthetics, and cultural commoning’s ability to make alliances with wider
social movements, its potential to provide a livelihood for the people
participating in such experiments.
Zoom for 100 participants: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84586843544...
[image: ⚡️]Theory of the commons 4 PM - 5:30 PM[image: ⚡️]
[image: 💥]Katarina Pavić (Clubture Network, Zagreb)
[image: 💥]Katja Praznik (State University of New York at Buffalo)
[image: 💥]Levente Polyák (Eutropian Research & Action)
[image: 💥]Igor Stokfiszewski (Political Critique, Warsaw)
[image: 💥]Moderated by Kristóf Nagy (Central European University,
Fordulat, Budapest)
[image: ⚡️]Practices of the commons 6 PM - 7:30 PM[image: ⚡️]
[image: 💥]Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen (City in the Making, Rotterdam)
[image: 💥]Annet van Otterloo (Afrikaanderwijk Coöperatie, Rotterdam)
[image: 💥]Raluca Voinea (Tranzit.ro, Bucharest)
[image: 💥]Lucia Udvardyova (SHAPE, Easterndaze, Unearthing the Music)
[image: 💥]Moderated by Márton Szarvas (Center for Solidarity Economy,

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