[artinfo] tranzit.hu muveszetelmeleti es gyakorlati szabadiskola; Lars Bang Larsen kurator és Soren Andreasen kepzomuvesz vezetesevel

tranzit office at tranzitinfo.hu
Thu May 3 16:52:35 CEST 2007

A tranzit.hu altal kezdemenyezett Muveszetelmeleti es gyakorlati szabadiskola kovetkezo szeminariumara Lars Bang Larsen kurator es Soren Andreasen kepzomuvesz vezetesevel


2007 majus 13-ig lehet jelentkezni angol motivacios levellel az office at tranzitinfo.hu cimen.



2007. majus 18-20.


KEK - Kortars Epiteszeti Kozpont

Budapest, VII. Nefelejcs u.26.


A kozvetíto (II. resz): A szerzok halala es rugalmas szemelyisegek


A szeminarium temaja a kulturalis kozvetites es a (inter) medialitas szerepe az elorehaladott globalis kapitalizmus korszakaban. Korabban mar irtunk arrol, hogyan reprezentalodik a kurator szemelye a kortars diskurzusban, fokent Fernand Braudel tortenesz megallapitasanak fenyeben, miszerint a kapitalista berendezkedesu piac akkor alakult ki, amikor az kozvetitoemberek tomegei atvettek a piacgazdasag iranyitasat az izolalt, feudalis tokes erdekektol.

A szeminarium kereteben vizsgalodasunkat az otvenes evektol a nyolcvanas evekig terjedo idoszakban tapasztalhato egyeni onmegvalosíiasi szerepek reprezentacioinak tanulmanyozasaval nyitnank. Az otvenes evek amerikai szociologiaja a "rendszerbe husegesen betagozodo" emberrol beszel, Herbert Marcuse "egydimenzios emberrol" ir, Roland Barthes pedig a Szerzo halalarol lamental, mikozben a hetvenes evek kortars popkulturajanak sztarja az elohalott, a zombi, a fogyasztoi tarsadalom eme egyertelmu, ha nem is eppen hizelgo reprezentánsa.

Ez tehat a modernizmus hanyatlasanak es a poszt-modernizmus hajnalanak korszaka, mikor a szerzoiseg vagy eppen maga a szubjektum hatarvonalai egyre inkabb homalyossa valnak, sot, halottnak nyilvanittatnak; mely sorsban nem sokkal kesobb a muveszet is osztozni kenyszerul a nyolcvanas evekben, ahogyan az mar elore lathato volt a mutargyak elanyagtalanodasanak kibontakozo diskurzusaban.

Ezen szempontokat figyelembe veve szeretnenk felepiteni diskurzust arrol, hogy milyen lehetosegei es perspektivai vannak a "kozvetitesnek" a muveszeti vilagban, illetve abbol kifele, a szalesebb nyilvanossag iranyaba. Hogyan került ujra elotérbe, rekapitulalodott fokozatosan a szerzo szemelye es a muveszet fogalma a kilencvenes evekben? Es hogyan tudjuk ezeket a fogalmakat ma megragadni es alkalmazni?


Ajanlott irodalom:

Soren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen: 'Introduction to the Echo Show' (keresre el tudjuk kuldeni)

Soren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen: 'The Middleman. Beginning to think about mediation' (keresre el tudjuk kuldeni)

Roland Barthes: A szerzo halala. In: A szoveg orome. Irodalomelmeleti irasok. Bp., Osiris. 2001. 50-55. p.

Brian Holmes: 'The Flexible Personality', in Brian Holmes: 'Hieroglyphs of the Future. Art and politics in a networked era.' What, How and for Whom/WHW + Arkzin. Paris/Zagreb 2002/3.

magyarul ld. http://www.exindex.hu/index.php?l=hu&page=3&id=330 is.

'Curating with institutional Visions'. Conversation between Nina Möntmann, Roger Buergel, Anselm Franke and Maria Lind. In Möntmann (szerk.): 'Art and its Institutions. Current conflicts, critique and collaborations" NIFCA/Black Dog 2006



Lars Bang Larsen 1972-ben szuletett, Frankfurtban el. Muveszettortenetbol es irodalomtortenetbol szerzett diplomat az aarhusi egyetemen. Doktori ertekezeset  a globalis pszichedelia jelensegerol irja a Koppenhagai Egyetem Muveszettorteneti Intezeteben. Szamos muveszeti akademian tart eloadasokat, 2006-2007-ben a stockholmi at Kungliga Konsthogskola vendegtanara. Az 1990-es evekben tobbek kozott a Siksi es a NU muveszeti lapok szerkesztoje, jelenleg az Afterall, a Frieze és az Artforum Űnternational rendszeres szerzoje. Szamos kiallitas es szeminarium kuratora, a legujabbak: 2006/7: co-organizer of Ideas and Processes. 4 seminars on contemporary art production, Royal Danish Art Academy, Copenhagen, 2005: A Populism cimu csoportos kiallitas ko-kuratora a Frankfurter Kunstvereinban es mas helyszineken.  A kovetkezo konyvek szerzoje: HK. On the project Heroin Kills by Joanne Tatham and Tom O'Sullivan, 2003; Sture Johannesson. About the 1960s psychedelic art of Sture Johannesson, 2002.


Soren Andreasen 1964-ben szuletett, Koppenhagaban el es dolgozik. Kepzomuvesz es muveszeti irasok szerzoje. A Koncern muvesz-kollektiva tagja (1989 -1993) együttműködött a rasmus knuddal (Sebastian Schiorring és Johannes Christoffersen, 1999-2006 között). Folyoiratcikkek és kiadvanyok szerzoje, a Session Work címu konyv iroja rasmus knuddal (Pork Salad Press, 2005). Kuratorkent is mukodik, es tanit a The Jutland Academy of Fine Arton a daniai Aarhus-ban.



The next seminar weekend of the Free School for Art Theory and Practice launched by tranzit.hu with Lars Bang Larsen and Soren Andreasen, artist


Date: May 18-20, 2007

Place:  KÉK - Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre - Budapest, VII. Nefelejcs u.26.

Application deadline with motivational letter to the office at tranzitinfo.hu address is May 13, 2007. 



The Middleman (part II): Dead Authors and Flexible Personalities


The topic of the seminar is mediation and the agency of the intermediary in the context of advanced global capitalism. We have previously been writing about the representation of the curator in contemporary discourse, in the light of the historian Fernand Braudel's assertion that the capitalist market as we know it was instituted when middlemen started to control access to the marketplace. For the seminar, our idea is to take our starting point in representations of productive subjectivities from the 1950s to the 1980s. Thus the American sociology of the 1950s talked about 'the organisation man', Herbert Marcuse wrote about 'one-dimensional man' and Roland Barthes mediated the 'death of the author', while the popular culture of the 1970s developed an obsession with the living dead, the zombie - a convenient, if not very subtle, representation of the consumer. So this is a period at the end of modernism and at the beginning of the post-modern era when authorship and subjectivity became blurred or even declared dead; a fate that art itself would later share in the 1980s, as foretold through the discourse on the dematerialisation of the art object. 

With this in mind we would like to open up to a discussion about current modalities of artistic agency. How have the concept of art and the role of the author been vindicated since the 1990s? How do we diagnose and act within them today?



Soren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen: 'Introduction to the Echo Show' (can be sent for request)

Soren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen: 'The Middleman. Beginning to think about mediation'  (can be sent for request)

Roland Barthes: 'Death of the Author'

Brian Holmes: 'The Flexible Personality', in Brian Holmes: 'Hieroglyphs of the Future. Art and politics in a networked era.' What, How and for Whom/WHW + Arkzin. Paris/Zagreb 2002/3.

'Curating with institutional Visions'. Conversation between Nina Möntmann, Roger Buergel, Anselm Franke and Maria Lind. In Möntmann (ed.): 'Art and its Institutions. Current conflicts, critique and collaborations" NIFCA/Black Dog 2006



Lars Bang Larsen 

Born in 1972. Lives in Frankfurt and Copenhagen.

Writing Ph.D. in Global Psychedelia, Űnstitute of Art History, University of Copenhagen 2007-10, MA in art history and history of literature, University of Aarhus. Guest teacher at several art academies, guest professor at Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Stockholm, 2006-07. Editor of the art magazines Siksi, NU in the 1990s, regular contributor to Afterall, Artforum Űnternational, and Frieze. Curator of several exhibitions and seminars, recent 2006/7: co-organizer of Űdeas and Processes. 4 seminars on contemporary art production, Royal Danish Art Academy, Copenhagen, 2005: Co-curator of Populism. Group show at Frankfurter Kunstverein and other sites. Published the books: HK. On the project Heroin Kills by Joanne Tatham and Tom O'Sullivan, 2003; Sture Johannesson. About the 1960s psychedelic art of Sture Johannesson, 2002.


Soren Andreasen

Born 1964. Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. Visual artist and writer. Participant of international exhibitions. Part of the art-collective Koncern (1989-93) and has been collaborating with rasmus knud (Sebastian Schiorring and Johannes Christoffersen) 1999-2006. Has produced texts for various magazines and publications, and published a series of leaflets (i.e. SYNTHESIZER, 2001, and CIVIC, 2003) and the book Session Work (Pork Salad Press, 2005) with rasmus knud. Curator of several and teaches at The Jutland Academy of Fine Art, Aarhus, Denmark.

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