[artinfo] dorkbot-budapest #5
dorkbotbudapest at dorkbot.org
Mon Nov 27 22:05:28 CET 2006
The fifth Dorkbot-Budapest meeting will take place on Friday, December
1st at 6pm at Impex (West-Balkan, VIII., Futo u. 48.)
+ Valerie Bugmann: The Drama of Digital Communication with a Human Touch
The Drama of Digital Communication with a Human Touch is particularly
focused on the study and development of personal wireless communication
networks that use the body as a node and convert it into an interface in
using its conductive characteristics for the transmission of digital
information through the skin: signifying the transformation of the body
into a wire. Dealing with these emergent technologies our bodies and our
system of communication find themselves in constant re-construction,
giving birth to novel social interaction behaviors mediated or
originated by this technology. These unique manifestations talk about
the way in which our body lives a kind of drama through its interaction
with the world: touch gets extended in new ways and unexpected ones, and
the body gets embarked into a new exciting experience of itself and of
the world.
Valerie Bugmann is a Colombian media artist interested in development
and study of technological extensions and mediation in communication and
their impact on social interaction behavior and cognition. Currently she
lives and works in Zurich where she carries out her PhD research about
the impact of technology in society at the HGKZ/Planetary Collegium.
+ Katalin Tesch: Getting closer
Katalin Tesch had studied at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
and then started postgradual studies at the Hochschule für Gestaltung
und Kunst Zürich. "Getting closer" refers to the three interactive
computer artwork which will be shown at Dorkbot-Budapest. Each work has
a common central question: how virtual meets real and how it can be
visualized in the most accurate way. Of course, the each project has a
process in getting closer as well, from the simplest human-computer
interaction to extremely used external devices. Parallelism (2004) is an
interactive computer-animation about how stories and feelings can be
experienced by different people. Virtual Girlfriend (2005) is more a
computer-game than a story - users can experience the freedom of
choosing an ideal girlfriend. The final video-installation, Ego-Mirror
(2006) has a more sensitive device, a light-barrier, as a medium between
users and computer. By that "magic, mirror-behaving" screen audience is
able to read in their own, deepest thoughts - which are shown by the
essential videowork of the installation.
+ Massimo Banzi: Arduino
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple
i/o board, and a development environment for writing Arduino software.
The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring, itself
built on Processing.
Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a
variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights,
motors, and other outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they
can be communicate with software running on your computer (e.g. Flash,
Pure Data, Processing, Max/MSP). The boards can be assembled by hand or
purchased preassembled; the open-source IDE can be downloaded for free.
Az otodik Dorkbot-Budapestre december 1-en, penteken kerul sor az
Impex-ben (West-Balkan, VIII., Futo u. 48.) este 6 orakor.
+ Valerie Bugmann: The Drama of Digital Communication with a Human Touch
A "Drama of Digital Communication with a Human Touch" az emberi testet
csomopontkent hasznalo, szemelyes drotnelkuli kommunikacios halozatok
tanulmanyozasara es kifejlesztesere koncentral. A digitalis informacio
boron keresztuli tovabbitasa celjabol a test vezetokepesseget kiaknazva,
azt interfessze alakitva, a test vezetekke valo transzformalasat fejezi
ki. Ezekkel az emergens technologiakkal kapcsolatba kerulve testunk es
kommunikacios rendszerunk folyamatosan megujul, a technologiabol eredo
vagy altala kozvetitett uj tarsas erintkezesi normakat hozva letre. Ezek
a kulonleges megnyilvanulasok testunk kulvilaggal valo kolcsonhatasanak
dramajat mutatjak be. Az erintes uj es varatlan modjai jonnek letre, a
test szamara izgalmas es ujszeru, onmagunkkal es a vilaggal kapcsolatos
tapasztalatok tavlatait nyujtva.
Valerie Bugmann a kommunikacio technologia altali kiterjesztesenek es
mediaciojanak temajat es ennek a tarsas erintkezesi viselkedesmodokra es
eszlelesre gyakorolt hatasat kutato kolumbiai mediamuvesz. Jelenleg
Zurichben el es dolgozik, ahol PhD tanulmanyai kereteben a technologia
tarsadalomra gyakorolt hatasat kutatja a HGKZ/Planetary Collegium-ban.
+ Katalin Tesch: Getting closer
Tesch Katalin a Magyar Iparmuveszeti Egyetem elvegzese utan a zurichi
Hochschule fur Gestaltung und Kunst-on kezdte meg posztgradualis
tanulmanyait. Eloadasanak cime arra a harom interaktiv alkotasra utal,
amelyek a Dorkbot-Budapesten bemutatasra kerulnek. A harom projekt
kozponti kerdese: hogyan talalkozik a virtualitas a valosaggal es hogyan
lehet ezt a gondolatot a leheto legpontosabban vizualizalni.
Termeszetesen az egyes munkak is hordozzak a "kozeledes, megkozelites"
kerdeset, az egyszerubb, szamitogep-ember interakciotol kezdve a
megszokottol elteroen felhasznalt elektronikus eszkozokig. A
Parhuzamossag cimu (2004) interaktiv szamitogepes animacio azt
vizsgalja, hogyan elhetik meg kulonbozo emberek ugyanazokat az
erzeseket. A 2005-ben keszult Virtualis baratno mar nem hasznalja a
hagyomanyos tortenetmeseles dramaturgiajat, a felhasznalo tobb szinten
at jatszhat egy idealis baratno szemelyisegenek osszeallitasaval. Az
utolsokent bemutatasra kerulo, Ego-Mirror cimu (2006)
videoinstallacioban a komputer es ember kozotti kommunikacio
kozvetitojekent egy infrasorompo mukodik. A "varazsereju tukorkent"
viselkedo monitort megerintve a latogatok belelathatnak sajat,
legbensobb gondolataikba, amelyek az installacio videomunkajan keresztul
valnak erzekelhetove.
+ Massimo Banzi: Arduino
Az Arduino egy egyszeru elektronikus aramkoron es egy szoftverfejleszto
kornyezeten alapulo nyilt physical computing platform. Az Arduino
programozasi nyelve a Processing-bol kifejlesztett Wiring egy
Az Arduino interaktiv targyak keszitesere hasznalhato, szamtalan
kapcsolot vagy szenzort bemenetkent olvasva, lampak, motorok es egyeb
kimenetek kimerithetetlen valasztekat kepes vezerelni. Az Arduino
projektek allhatnak onmagukban, vagy kulonbozo szamitogepes programokkal
kommunikalva (pl. Flash, Pure Data, Processing, Max/MSP). Az aramkor
hazilag osszeallithato, vagy keszen megvasarolhato; a nyilt forraskodu
fejlesztokornyezet ingyen letoltheto.
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