[artinfo] Subsol Reader, Autonomedia Press, NY

joanne richardson subsol at mi2.hr
Mon Oct 4 09:10:25 CEST 2004

I am happy to announce that after some delays, 
and after being reedited twice to include new 
contributions, the _Subsol Reader, 
Anarchitechts_, has just been printed by 
Autonomedia Press, NY, and will be available in 
stores very soon: 

C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S

|| Afterthoughts ||

||||  Art on the Edge of Politics  ||||

Association Apsolutno => Semiotics of Confusion
Luchezar Boyadjiev interviewed by Geert Lovink => How to turn your Liability 

Alexander Brener & Barbara Schurz => Anti-Technologies of Resistance
C.U.K.T. interviewed by Joasia Krysa => Techno-Transgressions:
Miklos Erhardt & Duna Maver => Structure of Avoidance
Irwin & Eda Cufer interviewed by Joanne Richardson => NSK 2000?
Oleg Kireev => Art and Politics in Moscow: A Politically Ambiguous City
Institute of Constructions & Deconstructions => Self-Interviews
Space Hijackers => Anarchitecture
Janos Sugar => Solidarity with the Context

||||  Tactical Media  ||||

0100101110101101.org interviewed by Jaka 
Zeleznikar => Now You’re In My Computer
Autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. => What is Communication Guerrilla
Luther Blissett => XYZ of Net Activism
Ricardo Dominguez interviewed by Coco Fusco =>Electronic Disturbance
David Garcia & Geert Lovink => The ABC of Tactical Media
David Garcia => Islam & Tactical Media
Nathan Martin for the Carbon Defense League  => Parasitic Media
Joanne Richardson => The Language of Tactical Media
RTMark interviewed by Sylvie Myerson & Vidyut Jain => The Art of Confusion
Sfear von Clauswitz => A Reaction to Tactical Media
McKenzie Wark => On the Tactic of Tactics
Peter Lamborn Wilson => Response to the Tactical Media Manifesto

||||   Sovereign Media  ||||

Kestutis Andrasiunas interviewed by Joanne Richardson => Institutio Media
Candida TV => Reality-Fiction
Heidi Grundmann => But is it Radio?
Institute for Transacoustic Research => Transacoustic Research
Eric Kluitenberg => Media without an Audience
Tetsuo Kogawa => From Mini FM to Polymorphous Radio
Geert Lovink & Joanne Richardson => Notes on Sovereign Media
Simon Pope & Matt Fuller => This Computer has a Multiple Personality Disorder
Howard Slater => Post Media Operators: Sovereign and Vague
Vakuum TV => Recombinant Television

||||  Autonomous Cultures ||||

Alex Adriaansens & Nat Muller => V2_Organisation
Inke Arns interviewed by Joanne Richardson => mikro
Zeljko Blace, Marcell Mars & Tomi Medak interview by Joanne Richardson => [mi2]
Brett Bloom, Cesare Piertoiusti & Greg Sholette => Folds of an Institution
Kristine Briede interviewed by Joanne Richardson => K at 2, Under the Surface
Alexei Isaev => MediaArtLab: Dossier of a Virtual Community
Piotr Krajewski interview by Joanne Richardson => WRO Center
Kristian Lukic interviewed by Joanne Richardson => Kuda.org
Mia Makela & Vanni Brusadin => Small is Beautiful
Sarai Collective => Sarai: New Media Initiative
Krassi Terziev interview by Joanne Richardson => InterSpace
Marko Vukovic => Autonomous Culture Factory

||||  Production of the Future  ||||

Franco Berardi Bifo interviewed by Matt Fuller & 
snafu => Cognitariat & Semiokapital
Manuel De Landa => Self-Organizing Markets
Alexander R. Galloway => Possibility
Rishab Aiyer Ghosh => Cooking-Pot Markets
Michael Linton & Ernie Yacub => Open Money
Sebastian Luetgert => Introduction to a True History of the Internet
Stefan Merten interviewed by Joanne Richardson => Free Software & GPL Society
Kenta Ohji => Introduction to NAM, New Associationist Movement
Patrice Riemens => Some Thoughts on the Idea of ‘Hacker Culture’
Felix Stalder & Jesse Hirsh => Open Source Intelligence
McKenzie Wark => A Hacker Manifesto [version 4.0]

|| Contributors’ Bios ||

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