[artinfo] (fwd)kulturanova - Novi Sad: newsletter special #2
Janos Sugar
sj at c3.hu
Mon Jul 12 03:26:11 CEST 2004
>From: "Association kulturanova - Novi Sad" <bruga at EUnet.yu>
>Subject: newsletter special #2
>.............newsletter special #2
>Pozivamo Vas da posetite nas web site
>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu sa vec
>preko 80 post-ova (od pocetka ovog meseca) informacija vezanih za
>savremenu alternativnu kulturu (kratke informacije o tome molimo
>nadjite u nastavku maila)
>Nas newsletter ce se biti obajvljivati redovno i dvomesecno, pocetkom
>svakog drugog meseca. Pored toga postojace i newsletter special koga
>cemo objavljivati kada smatramo da neka informacija zahteva hitno
>regovanje. Sta vise, mozete se prijaviti i za dobijanje obavestenja o
>temi koja vas interesuje ukoliko kliknete na opciju da zelite da
>primate obavestenja o reply-evima o temi u kojoj ste postavili Vase
>Sto se tice oglasavanja putem naseg sajta sada ce biti omoguceno
>svakom da sam postavlja obavestenja na sajt. Procedura je sasvim
>jednostavna: Nakon sto ste otisli na sajt
>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu trebate da
>izaberete opciju "forum" , a zatim i oblast za koju je vezana Vasa
>informacija i jednostavnim klikom na "post reply" postavite Vase
>obavestenje. Da biste mogli postavljati obavestenja neophodno je da
>se registrujete, a u suprotnom cete i dalje moci da citate vesti. Ne
>postoje nikakva ogranicanje u velicini/duzini informacije, sa tom
>rezervom da je moguce postavljati samo tekst. Ipak, u cilju
>preglednosti i konciznosti molimo Vas da u Vase obavestenje ukljucite
>2. Naziv desavanja ( radionice | festivali | seminari | casovi )
>3.Opis desavanja ukljucujuci i ime voditelja/lidera gde je moguce
>4.Puna adresa mesta dogadjanja
>5. Informacije o participaciji ucesnika
>6.Ime, broj telefona i e-mail kontakt osobe
> .................
>To whom it may concern,
>We would like to invite You to visit our web site
>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu with already more then 80 posts about
>information in contemporary alternative culture (please find more
>about that below) Our newslleter will be published by-monthly and
>regulary, on the begining of every second month. Beside that we will
>publish newsletter special, when there is a need to react
>immediately. Moreover, you can easily start receiving email
>notification of replies on the choosed topic if you click that
>option when posting a reply on our forum.
>If You would like to post Your announcement on our web site this
>will be the procedure: After You have visit our web site on
>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu you should choose option "forum" and
>than post Your announcement under relevant issue by simple cliking
>on "post reply" button. Please note that you'll have to register
>first, otherwise You'll be able only to read the news. There is no
>restriction in information size, but that can be only text. However,
>in order to make it useful we kindly ask You to include the
>2.Event name (workshop | festival | seminar | class)
>3.Description including teacher/leader names where applicable
>4.Address, City, State/Province, Country
>5.Fee information
>6.Contact person(s) name, phone number, and email
>We are still addressing to all of You who have some idea, advice or
>financial resource to help us in supporting our initiative
>This is newsletter from kulturanova, non-government organisation
>which main aim is to promote alternative culture (you can find more
>about us on: http://www.kulturanova.org.yu )
>This is a gift economy product. If you can, please give back. To
>make donation please send a check on the address on the very bottom
>of this e-mail or contact us for further instruction if you want to
>use bank transfer.
>If you have received this message by mistake or you don't want to
>receive further information from kulturanova please kindly reply to
>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
>with "unsubscribe" in subject line.
>If you want to support our efforts, or you have some information
>that you want to publish, please post it on
>http://www.kulturanova.org.yu under section "forum" and then choose
>relevant issue.
>If you want to add a link to kulturanova on your web-site, we will
>be glad to do the same. Please contact us on
>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
>If you want to became a member of kulturanova please visit us at
>Sources: listings come from calls sent directly to the editor,
>news-grups (1touch_balkan_net, eks-scena, openremont, spectre,
>rhizome, eurostudyabroad), online sources (artfactories, artservis,
>IETM) and email newsletters (Impact, Euclid, Arts Management
>Network, ECF E-zine, See-Youth, On The Move, JEF info, BYP
>newsletter, ArtmagazinENews, The Calls and Opps List, CRNPS)
>Please feel free to pass on this newsletter.....
>address:Preradoviceva 123/231, 21131 Petrovaradin,Novi Sad;
> Serbia, Serbia & Montenegro
>tel/fax: +38121433171
>cell : +381641814539;
>mail: bruga at EUnet.yu,
><mailto:kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu>kulturanova at kulturanova.org.yu
>web: www.kulturanova.org.yu ; Z.R. 310-6235-35
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