[artinfo] november 29./ Guy Debord

Janos Sugar sj@c3.hu
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:17:58 +0100


                          -  reciklalt figyelem / attention recycling   -

idopont/date:       2002. november 29., pentek, 19h / november 29,  friday, =

helyszin/venue:      Balazs Bela Studio, XIII. ker. Ujpesti rakpart 5.


  	A nagy erdeklodesre valo tekintettel megismeteljuk /=20
	By popular demand this Friday we show again the film of

		          Guy Debord:=20
		La soci=E9t=E9 du spectacle=20

(The Society of the Spectacle, 1973, 75 Min, English subtitles  by Keith San=
		        cimu filmjet.

A forradalmar gondolkodo, Guy Debord (1932=AD1994) a Szituacionistak=
 csoportjanak a vezetoje  volt. _A l=E1tv=E1nyoss=E1g t=E1rsadalma_ cimu=
 szoveget 1967=ADben irta, amely mindmaig szocio=ADkultur=E1lis=
 viszonyainknknak az egyik legnagyszerubb vizsgalata. Muve fontos szerepet=
 jatszott a hatvanas evek vegenek diakmozgalmainak a kirobbanasaban. Mar=
 1967=ADben, _A latvanyossag tarsadalma_ konyvalakban torteno publikalasa=
 elott ket honappal bejelentette, hogy konyvenek filmvaltozatan dolgozik. A=
 68=ADat koveto kaosz a Szituacionistak csoporetjan belul is eluralkodott,=
 es filmjet csak 1973=ADban tudta befejezni. A film csak reszben felel meg a=
 konyvnek, Debord a k=F6nyv 221 tezisenek csak a felevel foglalkozik a=
 filmben, melyeket aktualis esemenyek elemzeseinek a kommentarjaival egeszit=
The revolutionary thinker, Guy Debord (1932=AD1994) was the leading figure=
 of the French intellectual group who called themselves The Situationist=
 International. His text, The Society of the Spectacle written in 1967 is=
 one of the greatest theoretical examinations of our socio-cultural=
 condition. His work was instrumental in sparking the student uprisings in=
 Europe in the late sixties. In 1967, two months before the publication of=
 the book La soci=E9t=E9 du spectacle, he announced that he was preparing=
 the screen version of his book. But, because of the post-1968 chaos that=
 reigned in the Situationist movement, he only finished the film in 1973. It=
 only partially corresponds to the book, Debord covers about half of the 221=
 theses in the book and completes his commentary with analyses of current=
 events. =20
