[artinfo] Fwd: WRO Biennale, 10th edition - call for entries (fwd)

Andrea Szekeres asz@c3.hu
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:12:31 +0100

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 08:32:10 -0800
From: Carol Hobson <chobson@ucsd.edu>
To: chobson@ucsd.edu
Subject: Fwd: WRO Biennale, 10th edition - call for entries

>Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:46:59 +0100
>From: WRO Center For Media Art Foundation <wro03@wrocenter.pl>
>Call for submissions
>Deadline: 10 February 2003
>WRO 03 - 10th International Media Art Biennale
>April 30 - May 4, 2003 - Wroclaw, Poland
>You are cordially invited to submit works to the WRO Biennale's competitio=
>The WRO Biennale is international competition, exhibition, symposium and
>artistic activities devoted to changes in art, culture and everyday
>life in the
>age of extended communication technology.
>The topic for the 10th edition of the WRO Biennale is GLOBALICA.
>General information and terms of competition are available:
>at: http://wro03.wrocenter.pl
>Entry form can be downloaded from there as PDF file.
>If you wish to receive them as a printed leaflet please e-mail your postal
>address to wro03@wrocenter.pl
>W R O  C e n t e r  f o r  M e d i a  A r t
>29a Kuznicza St.
>P.O. Box 1385
>PL 54-137 Wroclaw
>tel     (+48 71) 3448369
>tel/fax (+48 71) 3422691
>WRO 03 - X Mie=9Cdzynarodowe Biennale Sztuki Medi=F3w
>30 kwiecien=B4 - 4 maj, 2003 - Wroc?aw, Poland
>Og?oszenie konkursu
>Termin zg?aszania prac: 10 luty 2003
>Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzie=9Ccia udzia?u w konkursie WRO Biennale.
>Festiwal WRO Biennale ?a=9Cczy mie=9Cdzynarodowy konkurs, wystawe=9C, symp=
>oraz dzia?ania artystyczne pos=B4wie=9Ccone zmianom sztuki, kultury i
>z=99ycia codziennego w w epoce rozwinie=9Ctych technologii komunikacji.
>Tematem X. edycji WRO Biennale jest GLOBALICA.
>Og=F3lne informacje oraz zasady konkursu sa=9C doste=9Cpne pod adresem:
>Stamta=9Cd tez=99 moz=99na pobrac=B4 formularz zg?oszeniowy w formacie PDF=
>Aby otrzymac=B4 powyz=99sze informacje w postaci drukowanej broszury prosz=
>przysy?ac=B4 sw=F3j adres pocztowy na e-mail: wro03@wrocenter.pl
>W R O  Centrum Sztuki Medi=F3w
>ul. Kuz=B4nicza 29a
>P.O. Box 1385
>PL 54-137 Wroc?aw
>tel     (+48 71) 3448369
>tel/fax (+48 71) 3422691

Carol J. Hobson
New Media Arts Manager
(858) 534-4383, fax: (858) 534-7944