[artinfo] golgonooza: easter sunday

Bernhard Frankel bernhard@frankel.dk
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 01:16:59 +0100

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15th April 2001
Chats Palace
London E9

A conversation of sound and visual events on Easter Sunday evening in Chats
Palace: Golgonooza, the city of imagination, constantly recreating.

We promise at least: 7 buckets speaking, 6 videos playing, a rock guitarist
trapped in a toilet, electric accordians, a single continuous sound, the
constant buzz of unsolicited machine conversation.

Alex Baker, Genevieve Kalnins, Hannah Knox, Kit Poulson.
David Barrington, Mika Sembongi, Sophie Brown, Alexander Costello, Elijah,
Jarred Fisher, Bernhard Frankel, Mark Jackson, Nathan Parker-Crook, Giles
Round, Jenny Round, Sarah Turner, Willow.

NOgallery has been producing shows for the last two years, we will continue
to do so as long as we can.

PO Box 27777
E5 0FY


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<TITLE>golgonooza: easter sunday </TITLE>
<FONT SIZE=3D"5"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial Black">Golgonooza<BR>
15th April 2001<BR>
Chats Palace<BR>
London E9<BR>
A conversation of sound and visual events on Easter Sunday evening in Chats=
 Palace: Golgonooza, the city of imagination, constantly recreating.<BR>
We promise at least: 7 buckets speaking, 6 videos playing, a rock guitarist=
 trapped in a toilet, electric accordians, a single continuous sound, the co=
nstant buzz of unsolicited machine conversation.<BR>
Alex Baker, Genevieve Kalnins, Hannah Knox, Kit Poulson.<BR>
David Barrington, Mika Sembongi, Sophie Brown, Alexander Costello, Elijah, =
Jarred Fisher, Bernhard Frankel, Mark Jackson, Nathan Parker-Crook, Giles Ro=
und, Jenny Round, Sarah Turner, Willow.<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"5"><B>NO</B></FONT>gallery has been producing shows for the las=
t two years, we will continue to do so as long as we can. <BR>
PO Box 27777<BR>
E5 0FY<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"5"><FONT FACE=3D"Courier"><B>www.cityofimagination.com</B></FONT>=
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier"><BR>
