[artinfo] Academy of Fine Arts Vienna PhD in Practice
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Fri Jan 31 23:01:21 CET 2020
Call for applications for PhD in Practice Program 2020
Application deadline: March 2, 2020
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites
applications to its doctoral program for research
in artistic practice. The "PhD-in-Practice"
program provides participants with the
opportunity to pursue their individual arts-based
research projects in a collective learning
environment with a decidedly transdisciplinary
and international bent. The program is
coordinated by Renate Lorenz (Professor for Art
and Research) and Anette Baldauf (Professor for
Methodology and Epistemology). The invited
lecturers and guests include Saidiya Hartman,
Tina Campt, Eve Tuck, Stefano Harney, Sharon
Hayes, Nikita Dhawan, and Kapwani Kiwanga.
The PhD in Practice program is built on a concept
of arts-based research that relates to critical
epistemologies, as they have been developed in
the context of feminist, queer, postcolonial,
ecological, postmarxist and other political and
emancipatory projects. Inspired by these
struggles, the PhD in Practice program approaches
arts-based research as a space for the
negotiation of social, political, cultural and
economic conflicts. It refers to a history of
research in the arts, which has been developed in
dialog with an array of different fields,
including academia, activism, high art as much as
pop and subculture. It thus privileges
cultural/artistic productions, which are
concerned with a critique of injustice, social
hierarchies and exclusions, and it is interested
in the development of heterotopic visions as well
as activist interventions.
The PhD in Practice program is designed for a
duration of four years of study. During this time
the participants will develop their projects
artistically, theoretically, and analytically in
coordination with the academic and artistic team
of co-participants and faculty. Participants
conceive, organize, document, as well as carry
out independent and/or collaborative arts-based
research in an PhD supervision environment that
is dedicated to transdisciplinary and
international exchange.
Course work is organized around so-called focus
weeks, which take place one week per month during
the academic calendar (October to January, March
to June). During these weeks the participants and
the PhD in Practice team meet for tutorials,
seminars, lectures, workshops, excursions and
other research and study events. The PhD in
Practice participants have access to the
facilities and resources of the Academy of Fine
Arts Vienna and to the institutions and people
that form the broader and expanding network of
the Academy. Moreover, participants are expected
to take an active part in organizing the program,
including the conceptualization and organization
of workshops, guest lectures, conferences,
exhibitions, screenings, etc.
Available positions
(1) Four doctoral PhD positions are available
with a 75% employment contract with a duration of
four years (payment according to B 1, § 49 Abs. 3
KV, currently 2,196.75 EUR/month before tax,
incl. health benefits) These positions require
residency in Vienna.
(2) Additionally, candidates can apply for a PhD
position without funding (student-only, low
residency scheme, which does not require moving
to Vienna).
Entry requirements
Requirements for admission to the PhD in Practice
program are a degree (Magister, MA or Diplom)
from a recognized university or academy, and the
submission of the required application material
(see below). Applicants with an ongoing artistic
career are encouraged to apply.
The application is online only. Please submit all
your application material in English!
Applications must be uploaded within the call
From experience we know that if people upload
their material on the day the application
deadline ends, unexpected troubles can make it
impossible to finish the application process. We
therefore highly recommend that you upload your
material early enough to clear potential
The application must contain:
-the completed web application form (available
when the call opens officially), including the
statement, if you apply for a position with
employment contract or for a position without
funding (student only)
-a curriculum vitae (including a list of
exhibitions the applicant has contributed to and
of publications or other artistic and scholarly
work that has been published; pdf)
-a project proposal (10 pages max; 1.5 line spacing, pdf)
-an abstract of the project proposal (1 page max, 1.5 line spacing; pdf)
-a digital portfolio (a single pdf document, 5 MB max).
-a scan of the certificate(s) which proves that
you received a degree (Magister, MA or Diplom)
from a recognized/ accredited university or
The online application form will be available
during the call at
If film/video is an important part of your
application, please upload your material on
vimeo.com and enclose the link to your
Admission process
Selection process takes place in the course of
two consecutive meetings of the admission jury:
The admission jury will review all applications;
it will assess the proposed PhD projects as well
as the applicants' portfolios and their academic
and professional biographies and choose those
applicants to be invited for an interview. End of
May the jury will conduct interviews with the
selected group of applicants. The results of the
application process will be made public shortly
Admitted candidates will embark on the PhD in Practice program October 1, 2020.
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