[artinfo] Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Mon Jan 27 00:43:35 CET 2020

Fuchs, Christian, ed. 2020. Communicative 
Socialism/Digital Socialism. tripleC: 
Communication, Capitalism & Critique 18 (1): 


The 15 contributions comprising this special 
issue analyse and theorise communicative 
socialism and the communication of socialism in 
the digital age.

Table of Contents:

Christian Fuchs: Communicative Socialism/Digital Socialism, pp. 1-31

Christopher C. Barnes: Democratic Socialists on 
Social Media: Cohesion, Fragmentation, and 
Normative Strategies, pp. 32-47

Dimitris Boucas: Theory, Reality, and 
Possibilities for a Digital/Communicative 
Socialist Society, pp. 48-66

Christopher M. Cox: Rising With the Robots: 
Towards a Human-Machine Autonomy for Digital 
Socialism, pp. 67-83

Emiliana De Blasio, Michele Sorice: Spaces of Struggle: So

Nick Dyer-Witheford: Left Populism and Platform 
Capitalism, pp. 116-131cialism and Neoliberalism 
With a Human Face Among Digital Parties and 
Online Movements in Europe, pp. 84-100

Donatella Della Ratta: Digital Socialism Beyond 
the Digital Social: Confronting Communicative 
Capitalism with Ethics of Care, pp. 101-115

Sai Englert, Jamie Woodcock, Callum Cant: Digital 
Workerism: Technology, Platforms, and the 
Circulation of Workers' Struggles, pp. 132-145

Christian Fuchs: The Utopian Internet, Computing, 
Communication, and Concrete Utopias: Reading 
William Morris, Peter Kropotkin, Ursula K. Le 
Guin, and P.M. in the Light of Digital Socialism, 
pp. 146-186

Hardy Hanappi: A Global Revolutionary Class Will 
Ride the Tiger of Alienation, pp. 187-203

Dmitry Kuznetsov, Milan Ismangil: YouTube as 
Praxis? On BreadTube and the Digital Propagation 
of Socialist Thought, pp. 204-218

Eleonora de Magalhães Carvalho, Afonso 
Albuquerque, Marcelo Alves Santos Júnior: 
Brazilian Blogosfera Progressista: Digital 
Vanguards in Dark Times, pp. 219-235

Joan Pedro-Carañana: Towards a Marxist Theory of 
Mediation: Contributions from Ibero-America to 
the Study of Digital Communication, pp. 236-253

Jamie Ranger: Slow Down! Digital Deceleration 
Towards A Socialist Social Media, pp. 254-267

S. Harikrishnan: Communicating Communism: Social 
Spaces and the Creation of a "Progressive" Public 
Sphere in Kerala, India, pp. 268-285

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