[artinfo] Call for Submissions: JAR Issue 16 - Spring 2018

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Fri Sep 1 12:05:30 CEST 2017

Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)


Call for Submissions: JAR Issue 16 - Spring 2018

The deadline for consideration is 15 September 2017

JAR publishes artistic research from all arts disciplines, with or 
without academic affiliation, and includes the work of artistic 
research practitioners and theorists. Rethinking the tradition-al 
journal format, JAR offers its contributors a free-to-use online 
space called the Research Catalogue (RC) where text can be woven 
together with image, audio and video material. The Journal is 
specifically interested in contributions that reflect upon and expose 
artistic practice as research, and welcomes submissions from artists 
interested in exchanging ideas and opening up the processes and 
methodologies that underlie their practice. Please view our 
<http://www.jar-online.net/archive/>archive to get a sense of what we 

To be considered for Peer Review, the editorial board considers:

1. Whether the exposition exposes artistic practice as research. This 
engages with questions and claims about knowledge within practice. 
For a detailed articulation of this please read the editorial to JAR0.
2. The degree to which the exposition is conceptually and 
artistically strong, considered, and significant to the field.
3. Whether the multimedia and design capacities of the RC have been 
used effectively and meaningfully to support the argument or 
understanding of the research.

To submit an article, contributors are required to register for an 
account on the RC and use the online space to layout and expose their 
research. JAR provides editorial and technical guidance with these 

For our guidelines on submissions visit: 

For submissions information, and advice on whether your research is 
suitable for JAR, contact the Managing Editor, at 
<mailto:submissions at jar-online.net>submissions at jar-online.net

JAR works with an international editorial board and a large panel of 

Editor in Chief: Michael Schwab

Peer Review Editor: Julian Klein

Editorial Board: Alex Arteaga, Annette Arlander, Sher Doruff, Barnaby 
Drabble, Mika Elo, Leonella Grasso Caprioli, Yara Guasque, Julian 
Klein and Mareli Stolp.

JAR is published by the 
for Artistic Research (SAR), an independent, non-profit as-sociation. 
You can support JAR by becoming an individual or institutional member 
of SAR. More information can be found 

c/o Society for Artistic Research
Oranje Nassaulaan 1, Amsterdam, PO Box 53028
1007 RA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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