[artinfo] Oktober 9 / 9 October / Boris Ondreicka: A szakadek - performansz eloadas / The Abyss - lecture performance

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Tue Oct 6 16:57:06 CEST 2015

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Idopont: 2015. oktober 9, 19 ora

Helyszin: Majakovszkij 102, a tranzit.hu nyitott irodaja, 1068 Budapest,
Kiraly u 102. I em. 1.

Boris Ondreicka
A SZAKADEK, 2013-15
performativ eloadas, mely irott es eloben eloadott szöveg, vetitett
keparchívum( kb 1200 kep es diagram-vektoros pdf- meret es mufaj valtozo)
hossz: kb. 60 perc

Az eloadas nyelve angol.

A SZAKADEK mufaja pszicholingvisztikus thriller, temaja a (privilegizalt)
teoria es a (korrumpalodott) gyakorlat tisztazatlan szetvalasztasa - mind
az ontologiai, mind a rendszerezo elvu vizsgalodas felol - az Y
dilemmatikus szimbolizmusa (Upszilon- Pitagorasz ösvenye a bun vagy az
ereny fele) felvetve a moralis kettosseg konfliktusanak
diszkurzív/kooperatív megoldasat - a Mandorla (ket egymasba fonodo kör,
amelyet magatol ertetodoen Vesica Piscisnek is neveznek) allegorikus
A SZAKADEK fenomenologiaja (szakadas, hatarmezsgye, hatarertek,
intervallum) szimbolumok es törtenelmi kepek sokasagat foglalja
magaba...Legjelentosebb modszertani eszköze a metafora illetve az
analogikus parosítas (közvetíto es kereskedelmi nyelvek… a kep es a szo es
a nehezen atadhato, hallgatolagos tudas között, aközt amit mondunk es

Boris Ondreička kepzomuvesz, íro, zenesz es kurator. Becsben es Pozsonyban
el. 2002 es 2011 között a tranzit. sk igazgatoja, 2012 ota a
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Becs kuratora. A Julius Koller Tarsasag
alapitotagja (2008). A Manifesta 8 ko-kuratora. Nemzetközi kiallítasok
resztvevoje, többek között Velencei, Athen, Gyumri, Jakarta, Taipei

Date: October 9, 2015, 7 pm.

Place: Mayakovsky102, open office of tranzit. hu,1068 Budapest, Kiraly u
102. I em. 1.

Boris Ondreicka
THE ABYSS, 2013-2015
lecture performance featuring text and its spoken pronunciation,
projected image archive (selection of 1200 images incl. the diagram -
vectored pdf, dimension and media variable),
duration approx. 60 min

The event will be held in English.

THE ABYSS is a psycholinguistic thriller dealing with the problematic
division of (pampered) theory and (corrupted) practice (both in terms of
disciplinary and ontological questioning—dilemmatic symbolism of Y (Upsilon
– Pythagoras’ path of virtue or vice) proposing discursive / cooperative
solution of the conflict (of moral bipolarity...) in the allegoric form of
Mandorla (intersection of circles obviously called Vesica Piscis as well).
Phenomenology of THE ABYSS (rupture, khora, limit, interval...) embraces
wide range of historical imagery, symbolics... Its main methodological tool
is metaphor / analogical matching (bridge, vehicular, trade languages...
between the image and the word and tacit knowledge, what we say and what we

Boris Ondreicka is an artist, author, musician and curator. He lives in
Bratislava and Vienna. He was director of tranzit. sk between 2002 and
2011, since 2012 he is curator atThyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary in
Vienna. He is founding member of the Julius Koller Society (2008). He
co-curated Manifesta 8. He is a participant of international exhibitions,
among them Venice, Athens, Gyumri, Jakarta, Taipei Biennales.

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