[artinfo] tranzit. hu kiállítás: {roma} Szerződés az etnikai hovatartozás eladásáról/{roma} The contract to sell the ethnicity
tranzit.hu office
office at tranzitinfo.hu
Tue Jan 7 23:28:30 CET 2014
Megnyito: 2014. januar 10., 19 ora
Helyszín: Majakovszkij 102. a tranzit. hu nyitott irodája, 1068 Budapest,
Kiraly utca 102, 1. emelet
A kiallitas februar 14-ig latogathato. Nyitvatartasi ido: hetfo - pentek
10-15 ora
Kurator: Raatzsch Andre
Konzulens: Kallai Andras
A Sostar? / Why? {roma} muveszcsoport unnepelyes szerzodeskotest
kezdemenyez meghivott intezmenyekkel es maganszemelyekkel, hogy eladja a
{roma} jelzot. Ebben a performativ aktusban a muveszcsoport nem az etnikai
szarmazasat bocsatja aruba, hanem azt a tudathasadasos allapotot akarja
megvaltoztatni, amely a csoport tagjait, mint roma szarmazasu irokat,
muveszeket etnicizalo es moralizalo szerepvallalasra kenyszeriti. A kiallitas
a hianyzo muveszeti, kulturpolitikai es tarsadalmi diskurzus megteremtesere
torekszik, amely a roma irokat, muveszeket a magyar kortars muveszeti es a
magyar kortars irodalmi kanon reszekent hatarozza meg. A csoport altal
kezdemenyezett ketoldalu megallapodasok a magyarorszagi ciganysag
emancipaciojanak jegyeben, hosszu tavu egyuttmukodesek megvalositasara is
kepesek lehetnek. A muveszcsoport tagjai kiemelt fontossagunak tartjak a
magyarorszagi ciganysag emlekezetenek es kulturajanak tudatos
meghatarozasat es elismereset, ezzel megteremtve a feltetelet annak, hogy a
ciganysag a tobbseg szamara is elfogadott kulturalis kisebbsegkent
hatarozhassa meg magat.
A Sostar? / Why? {roma} muveszcsoport tagjai: Choli Daroczi Jozsef (kolto,
mufordito), Nagy Gusztav (kolto, iro, mufordito), Tihanyics Norbert
(filmrendezo ), Kallai Andras (kepzomuvesz), Kallai Henrik (filmrendezo),
Raatzsch Andre (muvesz/kurator), Racz Bela (projektmenedzser), Balogh
Rodrigo (szinesz, rendezo, Fuggetlen Szinhaz)
Meghivott kiallitok: Pikacs Gabor (foto), Stalter Gyorgy (foto), M. Horvath
Judit (foto), Leitner Levente (kepzomuvesz), tovabba a Monitor - Kritikai
platform es nyitott muhely
Kapcsolodo esemeny: Metszespontok II., Strategiak 1957-2014 szimpozium a
tranzit. hu nyitott irodajaban.
Idopont: 2014. januar 10. 9-18 oraig
Resztvevok: Choli Daroczi Jozsef, Daroczi Agnes, Zsigo Jeno, Junghaus
Timea,Raatzsch J. Andre, Saghy Erna
Moderator: Mullner Andras szimpozium helyszinen
Reszletes program:
A kiallitas az ERSTE Patterns Lectures "Romareprezentacio a kulturalis
fordulat utan" (projektvezeto: Pocsik Andrea) projekt kereteben megvalosulo
Metszespontok I.-II.-III. programsorozat harmadik allomasa
For English please scroll down
{roma} The contract to sell the ethnicity / Szerzodes az etnikai
hovatartozas eladasarol
Curated by: Andre Raatzsch
Consultant: Andras Kallai
Opening: January 10, 2014, Friday 7pm
Venue: Mayakovsky 102, the open office of tranzit. hu, 1068 Budapest,
Kiraly utca 102, 1st
floor The exhibition is on view until February 14, 2014.
The Sostar? / Why? {roma} art group cordially invites institutions and
individuals to contract about selling the {roma} adjectives. Within this
performative act the group does not intend to sell its own ethnical origin,
but aims to change the schizophrenic situation that forces the members, as
Roma writers and artists, to take an ethnic and moralist role in the
society. As a main goal, the exhibition fosters to create the missing
artistic, cultural political and social discourse, that defines the Roma
writers and artists as part of the contemporary art and literature
discourse. The group aims to establish a two-sided agreement
that assists in a long-term contribution. It is essential for the members
to define and recognize the remembrance and culture of the Hungarian Roma
community, thus creating the conditions
for them to be accepted in the wide majority as an established cultural
The exhibition seizes the notions (Rom><Cigany><Gipsy) as cultural and
artistic strategies, while examines and deconstructs them with visual and
communicational tools. One of its main aims is to demonstrate examples when
- beyond the minority identity - the sense of being Hungarian and European
appears in the memory and self-identification of the Roma minority. Members
of the group and participants of the exhibition display documents,
declarations, personal statements, writings, photographs, memoirs, state
awards, articles, rewritten catalogues, recouped books of literature and
art history, and artworks that - instead
of their ethnicity - verify their role in the Hungarian and European canon,
historical remembrance, and universal culture, as well as their
participation in the fight for democracy and artistic freedom.
Unfortunately, these are the activities and documents that have been erased
from or simply have not yet been mentioned in the history of the European
nation states.
The contract is a shared position of the Sostar? / Why? {roma} art group
and the invited guests, namely it is a test for the accepted viewpoints,
which makes it possible to conversely position ourselves and each other. It
seeks after a compromise when the common goal is to shape consciously and
collectively the future of the Hungarian Roma community with the majority
of the Hungarian society.
At the opening the manifesto of the group is being presented, and Andras
Kallai performs his piece entitled An attempt to be balanced. One of the
rooms of tranzit. hu transforms to a
contracting hall, which - similar to a wedding hall - provides a ceremonial
location for agreements, vows and long-term initiatives. It is also
possible to contract with the members of
the Sostar? / Why? {roma} art group during the vernissage.
The Sostar? / Why? {roma} art collective was founded in 2013 in Berlin by
international, Hungarian, and Hungarian-Roma members: writers, poets,
artists, and film professionals with lovari, băjas, Carpathian-gypsy and
romungro origins. As an independent art group it connects to the
antecedents that constitute the self-determination, as well as the
emancipatory and civil right movement of the minorities worldwide. This is
conceived in their manifesto from 2013 entitled Roma Renaissance, and
Artistic Manifesto: "We, as established and emerging Roma artists, Roma
intellectuals and our friends, wish to make decisions ourselves, wish to
determine our history and cultural role in Europe (...)"
Andre Raatzsch is a Hungarian + German + Roma (băjas) + European artist and
curator living in Berlin. In 2012 he established The Roma Image Studio, a
platform for critical art in Berlin, and in 2013 he was a founding member
of the Sostar? / Why? {roma} art group. From 2007 he examines critically
and self-reflectively himself, especially the process of becoming, turning
into a Roma artist from artist. During the past few years he is struggling
with self-positioning, his aim is to formulate the reason for not being
able to define himself neither as Roma, nor as Hungarian contemporary
Participants of the exhibition:
Members of the Sostar? / Why? {roma} art group: Jozsef Choli Daroczi (poet,
translator), Gusztav Nagy (poet, writer, translator), Norbert Tihanyics
(filmmaker), Andras Kallai (artist),
Henrik Kallai (filmmaker), Andre Raatzsch (artist, curator), Bela Racz
(project manager),Rodrigo Balogh (actor, director, Independent Theatre)
Invited guests: Gabor Pikacs (photo), Gyorgy Stalter (photo), Judit M.
Horvath (photo), Levente Leitner (artist), and the Monitor - Critical
platform and open workshop
The exhibition is the third part of the program series entitled
Intersections I-II-III. realized in the framework of the ERSTE Patterns
Lectures "Roma representation after the cultural turn" (project leader:
Andrea Pocsik).
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