[artinfo] tranzit. hu - Christoph Schlingensief: Ki az idegenekkel

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Wed Apr 23 10:57:03 CEST 2014

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Idopont: 2014. aprilis 25.,17:00-23:00
Helyszín: Majakovszkij 102, a tranzit. hu nyitott irodaja, 1068
Budapest, Kiraly u. 102., 1/1.


Vetítes: Paul Poet: Ausländer Raus - Bitte liebt Osterreich, 2000;
Kurt Kren: 2/60 48 Kopfe aus dem Szondi-Test, 1960

Bevezeto: Kathrin Rhomberg

Kerekasztal-beszelgetes Kathrin Rhomberggel es Tompa Andreaval.
Moderator: Hegyi Dóra

Schlingensief-maraton: Das deutsche Kettensägenmassaker, 1990; The
African Twin Towers, 2009; My Wife in Five, 1985; 100 Jahre Adolf
Hitler – Die letzten Stunden im Fuhrerbunker, 1989

A Christoph Schlingensief: Ki az idegenekkel címu projekt Kathrin
Rhomberg koncepciója menten valósul meg. Az egyestes esemeny
alkalmaval bemutatjuk a Christoph Schlingensief egy 2000-ben
vegrehajtott kozteri intervenciójat dokumentaló Ausländer raus – Bitte
liebt Osterreich (Ki az idegenekkel – Szeressetek Ausztriat) címu
filmet, Paul Poet rendezeseben.Tovabba Kathrin Rhomberg bevezetoje
utan, az est kíseroprogramjakent egy kerekasztal-beszelgetesre is sor
kerul, Kathrin Rhomberg es Tompa Andrea színhazkritikus reszvetelevel,
amelyet Hegyi Dóra (tranzit.hu) moderal. A beszelgetesben arról is szó
lesz, hogy Schlingensief mikent mukodott a muveszeti es a filmes
vilagban, milyen mediumokat hasznalt, valamint munkai hogyan vettek
birtokba a kozteret – mindezt nemcsak azert, hogy reflektaljon a
tarsadalmi problemakra es a politikai kerdesekre, hanem hogy
befolyassal is legyen rajuk. A beszelgetes utan Schlingensief tovabbi
filmjeibol is bemutatunk egy valogatast, amelyen keresztul atfogó
kepet nyerhetunk eletmuverol.

A Ki az idegenekkel – Szeressetek Ausztriat címu intervenciójaval
Schlingensief radikalizalta a tarsadalmunk jelenlegi demokratikus
berendezkedesevel kapcsolatos problemakról felallított diagnózist. Az
ezredforduló idoszakaból ez a muvesz egyik kulcsmuve, amellyel
tullepett korabbi, színhazi es filmrendezesi gyakorlatan, es a
kozteren kezdett el tevekenykedni. A Big Brother TV musorok logikajat
kovetve, az alkotó „tizenket menekultet koltoztetett egy kontenerbe,
amelyet Becs kozpontjaban, az Operahaz mellett allított fel. A
kontener folott az osztrak szelsojobboldali populista partra, az
FPO-re utaló kek zaszlókat huztak fel”. Mikozben a bameszkodók
bizonytalanul tapsoltak, „megjelent a »Ki az idegenekkel« felirat,
amelyet aztan a Kronenzeitung (Ausztria legnepszerubb bulvarlapja)
logójaval egyutt felhelyeztek a kontenerre. A menedekkerok eletet 6
napon at, a nap 24 órajaban eloben lehetett kovetni a TV-ben es az
interneten. A kozonseg betelefonalhatott, es kiszavazhatta a neki
legkevesbe szimpatikus szereplot, akit aztan deportaltak a szuletesi
helye szerinti orszagba”. Schlingensief így olyan hiperrealitast
teremtett, amelyben megmutatkozott a neoliberalis „nyugati tarsadalom”
es annak cinizmusa. „Ebben a »paradox terben« az egyertelmu hatarok es
a megbecsules megszunt, es az ellentetek a rendszer integrans reszeve
valtak”. A nezok szereplove, a tenyek koholmannya, a forradalmi
kíserletek ellenforradalmi attitudde, a baloldali eszmek jobboldaliva
valtak es fordítva. Schlingensief az Ausländer raus – Bitte liebt
Osterreich címu munkajaval nemcsak az altalanos zavarodottsagra es az
allasfoglalastól való idegenkedesre hívja fel a figyelmet, hanem
ramutat az emberek manipulalhatósagara es arra a serelmi kulturara is,
amely termekeny taptalaja az idegengyuloletnek es a rasszizmusnak.

(Vo. Maria Hlavajova es Kathrin Rhomberg, Ausländer raus – Bitte liebt
Osterreich [Foreigners out – Please love Austria], 2000, in Christoph
Schlingensief: Fear at the Core of Things, BAK Newsletter #1 (Utrecht:
BAK, 2012), p. 28–29.)

A Christoph Schlingensief: Ki az idegenekkel a 2014 aprilisa es
juniusa kozott bemutatott Muveszet veszelyes csillagzat alatt címu
tranzit.hu projekt resze. A Muveszet veszelyes csillagzat alatt címu
haromreszes esemeny- es kiallítas-sorozat a Beginning As Well As We
Can (How Do We Talk About Fascism?) címu nemzetkozi kollektív projekt
resze, amelyben reszt vesz a What, How and for Whom? / WHW es a
zagrabi Alerta, a jobboldali szelsoseges jelensegeket es az
antidemokratikus tendenciakat felugyelo kozpont. A Beginning As Well
As We Can (How Do We Talk About Fascism?) címu projektet a European
Cultural Foundation tamogatja.

Az Ausländer raus – Bitte liebt Osterreich [Foreigners out – Please
Love Austria] elso ujraertelmezeset a BAK-ban, a basis voor actuele
kunstben, Utrechtben, Hollandiaban dolgoztak ki es mutattak be a Fear
at the Core of Things címu kiallítason 2012. feburar 5. es aprilis 29.

Kep: Christoph Schlingensief, Ausländer raus - Bitte liebt Osterreich, 2000
Fotó: Johann Klinger

Tovabbi informació:


Christoph Schlingensief: Foreigners Out

Time: April 25, 2014, 5 pm to 11 pm
Venue: Mayakovsky 102, the open office of tranzit. hu, 1068 Budapest,
Kiraly utca 102.


Screening: Paul Poet: Ausländer Raus - Bitte liebt Osterreich, 2000;
Kurt Kren: 2/60 48 Kopfe aus dem Szondi-Test, 1960

Introduction by Kathrin Rhomberg

Roundtable discussion with Kathrin Rhomberggel and Andrea Tompa.
Moderated by Dóra Hegyi

Schlingensief-Marathon: Das deutsche Kettensägenmassaker, 1990; The
African Twin Towers, 2009; My Wife in Five, 1985; 100 Jahre Adolf
Hitler – Die letzten Stunden im Fuhrerbunker, 1989

Conceptualized by Kathrin Rhomberg, the project Christoph
Schlingensief: Foreigners out presents the documentary film of
Christoph Schlingensief´s intervention into the public life, Ausländer
raus—Bitte liebt Osterreich, 2000 (Foreigners out—Please love Austria)
by Paul Poet. It is accompanied by an introduction of Kathrin
Rhomberg, and a discussion with Kathrin Rhomberg and theater critic
Andrea Tompa, moderated by Dóra Hegyi, on how Schlingensief operated
in the art world and within the context of film, how he used other
media, and the way in which his work occupied public space—all in
order not only to address but to influence social issues and matters
of political relevance. The roundtable discussion will be extended by
the presentation of further films by Christoph Schlingensief that
provide a comprehensive insight into his filmic oeuvre.

With Foreigners out—Please love Austria Christoph Schlingensief
radicalized the diagnosis of the current democratic constitution of
our society. It is one of Schlingensief’s key works at the turn of the
millennium where he looked beyond theater and film production and
became more active in the public space. Imitating the format of the
Big Brother show, Schlingensief "introduced twelve asylum seekers, who
spent one week in a shipping container in the center of Vienna, next
to the opera house. Blue flags representing Austria’s far-right
populist FPO party were hoisted above the container." As onlookers
applauded ambiguously, "a sign bearing the slogan 'Ausländer raus'
(Foreigners out) was unveiled and then attached to the container
together with the logo of the Kronenzeitung, Austrian’s
biggest-selling tabloid newspaper. The asylum-seekers were documented
live—twenty-four hours a day for six days—on TV and the Internet. The
audience was asked to phone in and vote 'out' the person they liked at
least. That individual was then deported to their native country."
Schlingensief created with it a kind of hyper-reality, in which the
neoliberal “Western society” and its cynicisms mirrored itself. "In
this kind of 'pardoxical space' clear borders and appreciation were
abolished and contradictions were integrated." Spectators transformed
into actors, facts into fake, revolutionary attempts into
contra-revolutionary attitudes, left into right ideas and vice versa.
Schlingensief reflected with Foreigners out—Please love Austria not
only the common disorientation and reluctance to take a stand, but
also the manipulability of the public and the culture of resentment in
which xenophobia and racism were rampant.

(Cf .Maria Hlavajova and Kathrin Rhomberg, “Ausländer raus—Bitte liebt
Osterreich [Foreigners out—Please love Austria], 2000,” in Christoph
Schlingensief: Fear at the Core of Things, BAK Newsletter #1 (Utrecht:
BAK, 2012), p. 28–29.)

The project Christoph Schlingensief: Foreigners out, is realized in
the framework of Art Under a Dangerous Star, a three-part event and
exhibition series at tranzit.hu between April and June, 2014. Art
Under a Dangerous Star is part of the international collaborative
project Beginning As Well As We Can (How Do We Talk About Fascism?),
with What, How and for Whom / WHW and Alerta - Centre for Monitoring
of Right-Wing Extremism and Anti-Democratic Tendencies in Zagreb. The
project Beginning As Well As We Can (How Do We Talk About Fascism?) is
supported by the European Cultural Foundation.

This reinterpretation of Ausländer raus—Bitte liebt Osterreich
[Foreigners out—Please Love Austria] was developed in the context of,
and first presented in, the exhibition Fear at the Core of Things at
BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 5 February–29
April 2012.

Image: Christoph Schlingensief, Ausländer raus—Bitte liebt Osterreich, 2000
photo: Johann Klinger

See more: http://hu.tranzit.org/en/event/0/2014-04-25/christoph-schlingensief-foreigner-out

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