[artinfo] tranzit.hu - Letrehivott kozossegek Beszelgetes nehany aktualis kulturalis esemeny kapcsan

tranzit.hu office office at tranzitinfo.hu
Fri Sep 13 14:57:23 CEST 2013

*Letrehivott kozossegek*

*Beszelgetes nehany aktualis kulturalis esemeny kapcsan*

*Idopont: *2013. szeptember 20., 17:00-21:00
*Helyszin: *Majakovszkij 102, a tranzit. hu nyitott irodaja, 1068,
Budapest, Kiraly utca 102, 1. emelet

A tranzit. hu a jelenlegi kulturpolitikai helyzetre reagalo
akcionap-sorozata mellett 2013. oszen ket alkalommal aktualis temakhoz
kapcsolodo szakmai-tarsasagi esemenyt kezdemenyez. Az este folyaman tobb
esemeny kerul szoba, amelyek kozos nevezoje, hogy a szervezok szandeka
szerint a resztvevok egy kozosseget hoznak letre.

A beszelgetesek kozott kalimban jatszik es etelt keszit az *AmeN TSz*


Tavasszal zarult a tobb eve folyo *FORMER WEST* nemzetkozi kutatasi projekt
Berlinben, amely arra kivant ramutatni, hogy mikent valtozott meg a
„Nyugat” pozicioja a hideghaborus korszak vege ota. A zarokonferencia es
-kiallitas esemenyein a vilag tobb orszagabol fiatalok vettek resz a
LEARNING PLACE nevu program kereteben. A tranzit. hu FORMER WEST
osztondijasai, a LEARNING PLACE resztvevoi, *Mucsi Emese *es *Muskovics
Gyula* szamolnak be tapasztalataikrol.


Iden nyaron harmadik alkalommal vett reszt a tranzit. hu a *Bankito
Fesztivalon*. A *PR Csoport* es szamos onkentes segitsegevel *Peter Watkins
La Commune (Paris, 1871)* cimu filmjenek kollektiv vetiteset szerveztuk meg
a fesztival alatt. A 200 onkentessel ujrajatszott, az 1871-es parizsi
kommunrol szolo tobb, mint ot oras dokumentumfilmet maga a rendezo
javasolja kozossegi mozizasnak. A banki tabort mukodteto „kommunarok”
reszvetelevel arrol beszelgetunk, hogy lehet-e kozossegalkoto hatasa egy
kollektiv kiserlet filmes ujranezesenek.


Az este harmadik temaja az augusztusban Szigetmonostoron tartott *Magyar
Ketfarku Kutyapart (MKKP)* I. Orszagos Talalkozo, Alkototabor es
Partvalaszto esemenye. Arra vagyunk kivancsiak, hogy milyen ut vezetett az
abszurd es kritikai uzenetekre epulo street art projekttol a jovo evi
parlamenti valasztasokon indulo partig. *Kovacs Gergo* partalapitoval *Misetics
Balint* szociologus, polgarjogi aktivista beszelget

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*Convened Communities*

*Discussions on Current Cultural Events*

*Time: *September 20, 2013, 5 pm to 9 pm
*Venue: *Mayakovsky 102, the open office of tranzit. hu, 1068 Budapest
Kiraly utca 102, 1st floor

tranzit. hu, besides its action day series—initiated in reaction to the
current cultural-political situation in Hungary—organizes in the fall of
2013 two professional-communal events. During the first event, three
projects will be discussed whose common denominator is that the organizers
of the respective projects envisioned the participants to build a community.

Between the discussions, kalimba music and food by *AmeN TSz*

5 pm to 6 pm

As part of the previous event of *FORMER WEST*, *Documents, Constellations,
Prospects*, in March at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, the
one-week long workshop LEARNING PLACE (conceptualized by Boris Buden) was
devised as an educational platform for students across the world.
Participants of the LEARNING PLACE program, and recipients of the
tranzit.huFORMER WEST scholarship,
*Emese Mucsi *and *Gyula Muskovics* share their experiences.

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

tranzit. hu participated for the third time at the *Bankito (Lake Bank)
Festival*, in Bank, in the North of Hungary. For the festival, we
organized, together with the artist group *PR group*, and many other
volunteers, the collective screening of *Peter Watkins’s La Commune (Paris,
1871)*. The film, which reworked and reenacted with 200 volunteers the
story of the 1871 Paris Commune, is proposed to be viewed as community
cinema event by the director himself. We talk with the participants running
the project in Bank whether the screening and a filmic reenactment of a
collective experiment can bring about the formation of a community.

8 pm to 9 pm

The third topic of the event will be the summer summit of the *Hungarian
Two-tailed Dog Party (MKKP)*. We are interested in the ways through which a
street art project with absurd and critical messages was formed into a
political party which will run in the upcoming elections in Hungary.
Sociologist and civil right activist *Balint Misetics* talks with party
founder *Gergo Kovacs*.

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