[artinfo] LABOR Vendegter/Guest Space 2012 - Residency call

LABOR labor at c3.hu
Wed Jun 6 12:56:02 CEST 2012

Please scroll down for ENGLISH version!

LABOR VENDEGTER 2012 - palyazati felhivas  

A LABOR palyazatot ir ki muveszeknek es kuratoroknak 2012. augusztusra, ket
hetes muterem / alkototer hasznalatra. Egy helyi es egy kulfoldi nyertes
palyazo, ket ciklusban a LABOR alkototeret (1053 Budapest, Kepiro u. 6.)
vizualis kulturahoz kotheto projektek megvalositasara hasznalhatja. A palyazat
celja, hogy lehetoseget adjon muveszeknek es kuratoroknak onallo (vagy akar
kollektiv) munkara, bemutatkozasra, illetve a hazai kortars muveszeti elet
szereploivel valo megismerkedesre. A residency ideje alatt a resztvevok
hasznalhatjak a LABOR terbeli es technikai adottsagait (internet hozzaferes,
laptop), a konyvtarat es a kiallitotereket. A palyazat az alkototer
hasznalatara terjed ki, igeny eseten szallaskeresesben es a szakmai
kapcsolatok felkutatasaban es epiteseben segitseget nyujtunk. A rezidencia
program resztvevoit egy alkalommal nyilvanos prezentacio tartasara kerjuk fel.

Palyazni az alabbi linkrol letoltheto nevezesi lap kitoltesevel es
benyujtasaval lehet:

Ennek tartalmaznia kell: 
 - szakmai oneletrajzot
 - maximum 2 oldal terjedelmu motivacios levelet es munkatervet

A palyazatokat a labor at c3.hu cimre varjuk, az email targyaban kerjuk
feltuntetni: Vendegter palyazat 2012.
Bekuldesi hatarido: 2012. junius 25. Varhato dontes: junius 29. 

Tovabbi informacio az elozo evek Vendegter programjaihoz kapcsolodoan: 

A LABOR, egy rugalmasan mukodo, kozos (alkoto) ter, amelyet a C3 Kulturalis es
Kommunikacios Kozpont Alapitvany, a Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja Egyesulet, a
Magyar Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem kozosen mukodtet az egykori Studio Galeria
(Kepiro utcai) tereit használva. A LABOR nem hagyomanyos kiallitasi formaban
megvalosulo muveszeti projekteknek/bemutatoknak, a muveszeti kutatomunkanak es
tematikus program-sorozatoknak (beszelgetesek, filmvetitesek) biztosit
helyszint. A LABOR feladatanak tekinti a kortars kepzomuveszet tarsadalmi
felelossegenek es tudastermelo szerepenek hangsulyozasat.



LABOR GUEST SPACE 2012 - call for applications

LABOR announces a call for artists and curators for the use of the space of
LABOR as a studio or an open space for a two week time in August 2012. Two
successful applicants can use the space of LABOR in two weeks cycles for
realizing projects related to visual culture. The aim of the residency is to
provide a possibility for artists and curators for individual (or collective)
work, introduction, and to get in contact with the Hungarian contemporary art
scene. During the residency participants can use the spatial and technical
facilities of LABOR (internet access, laptop), the library and the exhibition
spaces. Participants of the residency will be invited to give a public
The residency project covers the use of the art space; upon request we can
help in finding accommodation, seeking and building professional relationships.

Application Procedure: 
Please download and fill in the application form from the link bellow: 

The application has to contain:  
- professional CV
- motivation letter and work plan, proposed activity (max. 2 pages) 

The applications should be e-mailed to labor at c3.hu, in the subject please
include: Guest Space residency call 2012. 

Deadline for applications: June 25, 2012. Expected decision: June 29. 

Further information about the previous year's Guest Space programmes in LABOR: 

LABOR was founded in 2007 as a joint initiative of C3 Centre for Culture &
Communication Foundation, the Studio of Young Artists Association (FKSE) and
the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE) in the premises of the former
Studio Gallery. 

LABOR is a platform where the objectives of partner institutions appear jointly:
• support of emerging artists
• projects related to the contemporary art education
• experimental 
initiatives advancing or reflecting on the structural changes of the 
contemporary art world
• cooperation between art and the scientific 
and technical domains 
• events organized in the framework of international collaborations. 

The purpose of the collaboration is to create a flexible, shared (art) space
that provides a platform for art research as well as exhibitions, projects and
occasional events.

LABOR aims to emphasize the social responsibility of contemporary art and its
role in knowledge production. It organizes discursive programs to strengthen
the debate- and discussion-culture of the local art world involving other
fields of culture. LABOR recently opened Book Space, a reading room and
library where current theoretical texts, magazines, and publications on visual
culture are available.


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