[artinfo] Fwd: FLUOR #01 - Magazine on Contemporary Culture

adrien török adrien.torok at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 09:53:56 CET 2012

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From: exitmail <documentacion at exitmedia.net>
Date: 2012/2/14
Subject: FLUOR #01 - Magazine on Contemporary Culture
To: exitmail <lista at exitmail.net>

     * FLUOR #01
 * * Magazine on
Contemporary Culture *

* 01/02/03 _2012 * *

 192 pages
20 euros

  * * ARCO Madrid
 * * Stand 8H15 *

* A printed magazine? * *
Of course.

* A meeting-place for creators? * *
 Naturally.* *

* An exhibition space on paper where readers can find projects produced
specifically for our pages? *


Society is ever *changing*, as are the ways of doing, being and relating.
Magazines cannot stay static in models that no longer work.
*FLUOR* is the option for a *time in constant motion*. A magazine made from
the point of view of *creativity* and conceived to be enjoyed by a
readership interested in culture.

 *FLUOR* explores art from *every perspective* and writing from *every
possibility*, from fresh micro-essays to recovered narratives, from
articles on a single work of art to overviews of publications and historic
times, cities or buildings. A fundamental part of *FLUOR* is the *artist
projects* developed exclusively for the magazine by internationally
acclaimed artists.

 *FLUOR* is quarterly and bilingual (in English and Spanish) to facilitate
its worldwide distribution. It can be found in bookshops and museum shops,
but it is especially conceived for subscription, for that more direct
contact between reader and publisher. We will also be at art and book fairs
all around the world.

With *FLUOR* we will go back to reading, to looking, to being closer and
closer to the art of today.

* Because culture is alive, current, exciting.
 * *

[image: FLUOR magazine]

Contents FLUOR #01

 *Conversation*: Alfredo Jaar and Luis Camnitzer.

 *Think Tank*: Indignation and Post-politics, Manuel Delgado and Markus

 *Site Specific*: Ludovica Gioscia, Mitsuo Miura, Matt Mullican, Dana Popa,
Julião Sarmento and Kit White

 *Micro-essay*: Eloy Fernández Porta

 *Fiction*: Edgar Allan Poe

[image: fluor]

 FLUOR, Magazine on Contemporary Culture
 [4 issues a year]
Subscription in Spain: 70 euros / Europe: 90 euros / Rest of the world: 130

 * fluor at fluormag.com * <fluor at fluormag.com>

+34 91 404 97 40
San Marcelo 30
28017 Madrid · Spain

 *FLUOR* is an idea by Proyectos Utópicos Ltd., which, directed by Rosa
Olivares, is the publishing group dedicated to the most contemporary art in
Spain: EXIT (Europe's leading photography magazine since 1999); Exit
Express (the magazine that has been shaking up Spanish contemporary art and
that was transformed in 2012 into the first digital magazine in Spanish);
Exit Book (the only periodical publication on contemporary art criticism,
theory and publications); EXITmail (the newsletter in Spanish with the
largest online circulation); EXIT Editions (limited photography editions by
Thomas Ruff, Miguel Rio Branco, Alfredo Jaar, Pierre Gonnord, Valerie
Belin, Esther Ferrer....); EXIT Publications (three different book series,
artist projects, contemporary art theory and criticism, encyclopaedias and
reference books).

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adrien török

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