[artinfo] Last minute OPEN CALL and WORKSHOPS for APPARAT.Lab, Denmark
Edit Emese Vizer
edit at platform4.dk
Mon Oct 4 21:23:01 CEST 2010
APPARAT.Lab festival encourages you to present your artworks of any kind! The re is no limitation regarding genres – installation, performance, video, spoken word, mixed-media.... All of it is invited!
You are welcome to send a detailed proposal of your project to the following mail: edit at platform4.dk
Please note that APPARAT.Lab only accepts projects where both art and technology is represented, though technology should not be a goal in itself!
APPARAT.Lab presents a variety of workshops:
* Workshop with Derek Holzer (US)
Holzer will run a four-days long workshop under the title Neanderthal Electronics where the participants will construct their own personal analog synthesizers and in the end they will collaborate in a public performance. During this workshop both simple-primitive/found objects and modern devices (capacitors, transistors, LEDs, sensors and different audio inputs etc) will be applied in order to achieving the perfect and very personal sound environment.
Dates and schedule: Wednesday 20th - Saturday 23th October
Wednesday 12.00-16.00
Thursday + Friday 16.00-20.00
Saturday 12.00-16.00 (Performance in the evening)
Place: Utzon Center, workshop, Slotspladsen 4, 9000 Aalborg (TBC)
Cost: 15 EUR / 100 DKK (for the provided tools and materials)
The workshop is limited to 15 participants.
Full information at http://macumbista.net/?page_id=497
The workshop* will be preparatory to the implementation of a performance realized by participants and presented in a public performance at Platform4, on the 23th October.
** Workshop with Sune Petersen (DK)
The workshop participant will be introduced to various examples of data visualizations that place focus on specific issues. The student will also get an introduction to and work with that can retrieve and visualize data.
The course will be held as an intensive workshop over 4 days where the student will work with online data sources like pachube, twitter and Facebook. The workshop participant will through the workshop make simple visualizations using the graphical programming environment vvvv.
The workshop participant will make projects that will be exhibited at the APPARAT.Lab.
Basic knowledge about online data sources and how to use access them
Basic programming skills in vvvv
Basic skills in using machine readable data formats
Basic skills in data visualisation
Dates and schedule: Wednesday 20th - Saturday 23th October
Wednesday 12.00-16.00
Thursday + Friday 16.00-20.00
Saturday 12.00-16.00 (Performance in the evening)
Place: Platform4, Rapsgade 4, Aalborg, Denmark
The workshop is for free of charge.
There are only very few free places – please note that we only are able to take people in who are not attending the study Art & Technology at AAU (the ArT free study activity is fully booked).
About the software: vvvv.org
On installing issues: http://www.apparatlab.dk/program
About Sune Petersen: http://www.apparatlab.dk/2010/artists/data-visualization
*** Workshop with Sami Sänpäkkilla (FIN)
Secret life on an artist
Participants are encouraged to bring their own artwork to the workshop and together we discuss their meaning and the reasons why they were made. What gives a piece of art it's validity and how do we convey that to the audience.
About Sami Sänpäkkilla:
Sami Sänpäkkilä aka Es lives and works near the forests of Tampere, Finland. He is a musician, film-maker and the head of Fonal Records. To date he has released five full lenght releases under the name Es. Sami has made short films and music videos which have been screened in various museums, art galleries and film festivals around the world. The films and the music are experimental moodscapes that explore the themes of melancholy, pathos and hope.
Artists statement:
The distinction between the actions of animals and humans at this point in history may be described as this: humans always direct their actions towards an end result of an emotional nature. We employ memory in an attempt to rationalise the meaning of life or the search for it. Most look for these answers and simultaneously drift away from nature and the natural. At this level the behaviour of animals has not changed since the birth of the world. Survival and continuity of the species are still their cardinal goals.
Humans on the other hand are prepared to die for their faith and beliefs. The ways we search for meaning varies from birth to death. Creating and finding narratives in one’s own life becomes a solution. In every tiny moment of our lives lays a hidden narrative deeper than any one lifespan. My films and music are concerned with discovering these hidden private narratives and does not deal with time in a linear fashion. It perhaps merely tries to slowly fit a feeling from the silver screen to a memory of your own, and elevate that with hope and kindness. Through the melancholy of that moment you may feel like you are looking at the starry sky or a total lunar eclipse. In a way that will hopefully make your memories irrationally comforting.
Dates and schedule: Thursday the 21st Oct 16.00-20.00
Place: Platform4, Rapsgade 4, Aalborg, Denmark
The workshop is for free of charge.
Accommodation is not available for participants.
Please register or ask for further info by sending an email to edit [at] platform4 [dot] dk
+45 28565778
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