[artinfo] Exposing TERROR- filmvetítések az OSAban szerdától vasárnapig

há bé kcohaeb at indamail.hu
Wed Mar 17 09:00:16 CET 2010

March 17-21, 2010
OSA Archivum
1051, Budapest, Arany Janos u. 32

Exposing TERROR
Highlights of the Soros Documentary Fund/Sundance Documentary Film Fund, 1996-2009

A shocking terrorist attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, the mysterious murder of hundreds of women in a small Mexican town, the firsthand accounts of gay bashers from US prisons, stories of children born into brothels in the slums of Calcutta, an Argentinean cameraman recording his own death during the 1973 Chilean military coup - merely a few of the intriguing stories presented in the documentary panorama “Exposing Terror.” Strong, at times overwhelming, feelings of pain, fear, hope, and compassion saturate these works. The world is changing fast, and the notion of terror has acquired new layers of meaning strongly influenced by oppressive political ideologies, religious fundamentalism, and individual intolerance. Exposing terror and recovering its roots is the only way to learn how to overcome today’s fears in order to face future challenges.

The films were supported by the Soros Documentary Fund/Sundance Documentary Film Fund. The Soros Documentary Fund was established by the Open Society Institute in 1996 with the aim to support documentaries on human rights, civil liberties, and social justice. In 2001, the fund became part of the Sundance Institute. It continues to support creative documentary filmmaking and remains an indispensable financial resource for documentary filmmakers around the world.

Program curators: Oksana Sarksiova, Aniko Kovecsi
The program is prepared and hosted by OSA Archivum, Arany Janos u. 32, Budapest 1051

Films are screened in original language or with English subtitles
No entrance fee.

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