[artinfo] Speed, Dromology and Invisibility, Leonardo Electronic Almanac

Martin John Callanan (UCL) m.callanan at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Jun 24 12:35:15 CEST 2010

*please disseminate, apologies for cross postings*

Speed, Dromology and Invisibility, Leonardo Electronic Almanac


Deadline November 20, 2010

>From the futurist’s speed through contemporary dromology to the
disappearance of the human body? What are the future trajectories of a
continuous process of acceleration? Is the disappearance of the body
through artificial speed a process of invisibility or that of a
visibility through acceleration?

The instantaneous communication across Web 2.0 and the speed of
interactions has created the feeling of a contradiction between an
idea of constant presence and that of the disappearance of the body in
a constant trajectory of ‘self-dissemination.’ In 1909 the futurists
envisaged a new world and some of their far-fetched visionary ideas
have come to pass. What is the role that speed will play in the future
of humanity in the twenty-first century?

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is inviting proposals from
scientists interested in light, speed and invisibility, from artists,
critical theorists and academics in cultural studies and digital
humanities for an issue on these themes co-edited by Lanfranco Aceti
and Chris Townsend, Professor of Media Arts, Royal Holloway,
University of London. Scientists that work on issues related to speed
and invisibility, media theoreticians, historians, artists that
represent in their work the high speed of life and contemporary
society are particularly welcome to submit proposals for

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) will produce an online and
printed issue, as well as host curated images and videos online.
Proposals to: info at leoalmanac.org

a)	Subject heading: Speed, dromology and invisibility?
b)	500 hundred word abstract for articles
c)	Open deadline
d)	2 images at 72 dpi resolution no larger than 800 pixels width for artists
e)	Links to previous work, videos or personal sites

Our publication formats allow for full-color throughout and we
encourage rich pictorial content where relevant and possible.  Note
however that all material submitted must be copyright cleared (or due
diligence must be evidenced).  For online publication a wide variety
of media content may be considered (animation, mp3, flash, java, etc…)

*	For scholarly papers please submit the final paper ready for peer
review.  Your contribution will be reviewed by at least two members of
the LEA board and revisions may be requested subject to review.
*	For themed and pictorial essays please submit an abstract or outline
for editorial consideration and further discussion.
*	Please keep your news, announcements and hyperlinks brief and
focused - include contact details and a link to an external site where
relevant.  We reserve the right to sub-edit your submissions in order
to comply with LEA policies and formats.  Where material is
time-sensitive please include both embargo and expiry dates.
*	In all cases specify special system considerations where these are
necessary (platform, codecs, plug-ins, etc…)

For further information or images submission contact: Ozden.Sahin at leoalmanac.org



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Leonardo-Electronic-Almanac/209156896252
Twitter: http://twitter.com/LEA_twitts

Leonardo Electronic Almanac is the peer reviewed journal in art,
science and technology.

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