[artinfo] Szubverziv_meghivo / Subversive _ opening

Nikolett Eross nikol at trafo.hu
Wed Jan 27 11:16:28 CET 2010

for english version pls scroll down

Trafo Galeria

**** Szubverziv reszletek ****

2010 januar 29 -- februar 28

Megnyito: 2010. januar 28., csutortok, 19h

Megnyitja:  RAINER M. Janos, tortenesz

Kiserleti es konceptualis muveszet a katonai diktaturak es a kommunista 
rendszerek alatt Europaban es Latin-Amerikaban az 1960-as evektol

Resztvevo muveszek: Carlos ALTAMIRANO (CL); ???????????? ???????? 
(USSR/RU); Taller E.P.S. Huayco (PE); Ion GRIGORESCU (RO); Indigo 
csoport (HU); Claus HÄNSEL (DDR); Leticia PARENTE (BR); Luis PAZOS (AR); 
Herbert RODRIGUEZ (PE); Horacio ZABALA (AR).

A kiallitas a kelet-europai es del-amerikai totalitarius rendszerek 
uralmanak idejen szuletett, rendszer- es tarsadalomkritikus muveszeti 
alkotasok, esemenyek tortenetebol valogat a mult szazad hatvanas eveitol.

+++++   A lazadas valtozatai +++++++

Politikai gyakorlatok / molekularis esztetika Peruban a 
hetvenes-kilencvenes evek muveszeteben

Miguel Lopez eloadasa

Trafo Galeria ; 2010 januar 29, pentek, 17h


A Trafoban lathato kiallitas az Iris Dressler es Hans D. Christ 
kezdemenyezesere szuletett, 2009 nyaran a Wurttembergischer Kunstverein, 
Stuttgartban bemutatott nemzetkozi projekt anyagabol valogat.

Egyuttmukodo partnerek: C3, Budapest; Arteleku, San Sebastian

Az EU Kultura programja es az NKA tamogatasaval

+++++++   A Magyar Kepzomuveszeti Egyetem Intermedia Tanszekenek a 
kiallitashoz kapcsolodo

Ileana Pintilie, Iris Dressler, Hans D. Christ eloadasai, beszelgetes, 

2010. februar 12. 17.00 -- 21.00

Budapest, Kmetty Gyorgy utca 27.


**** Subversive Excerpts ****

Trafo Gallery

29 January  -- 28 February, 2010

Vernissage:  7pm, 28 January 2010.

Opening Speech by:  RAINER M. János, Historian

Experimental and conceptual art practices established between the 
nineteen-sixties and eighties in Europe and South America under the 
influence of military dictatorships and communist regimes

Participating Artists: Carlos ALTAMIRANO (CL); ???????????? ???????? 
(USSR/RU); Taller E.P.S. Huayco (PE); Ion GRIGORESCU (RO); Indigo Group 
(HU); Claus HÄNSEL (DDR); Letícia PARENTE (BR); Luis PAZOS (AR); Dan 
Herbert RODRIGUEZ (PE); Horacio ZABALA (AR).

++++++  Changing the Model of Revolt  ++++++++

Political Practices / Molecular Aesthetics in Peru (70s-90s)

a presentation by Miguel Lopez

Trafo Gallery; 29 January, 2010; 5pm

Miguel Lopez Lopez is a visual artist, researcher and independent 
curator who lives and works between Barcelona and Lima -- where he is a 
member of Espacio La Culpable, a flexible, critical platform for 
contemporary art.


Related events organized by the Intermedia Dept. of the Hungarian 
University of Fine Art, Budapest:

Screenings; lectures by Ileana Pintilie, Iris Dressler, Hans D. Christ.

12 February 2010. 5-9 pm.

Budapest, Kmetty György utca 27.


Subversive Excerpts is part of the  project 'Art under conditions of 
dictatorial regimes', carried out by Württembergischer Kunstverein, 
Stuttgart, Arteleku, San Sebastian, and  C3 - the Center for Culture and 
Communication Foundation, Budapest,  supported by the European Commission.

Trafo -- Kortars Muveszetek Haza, Trafo Galeria / Trafo -- House of 
Contemporary Arts, Trafo Gallery1094 Budapest, Liliom utca 41.

tel.: 456-2044, fax: 456-2050
e-mail: gallery at trafo.hu <mailto:gallery at trafo.hu>  // http://www.trafo.hu
Nyitva: keddtol vasarnapig 16-19h, eloadasi napokon 16-22h.
Open: Tuesday to Sunday 4-7pm, performance days 4-10pm

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