[artinfo] tranzit.hu_TYPOPASS - Kritikai dizájn és konceptuális tipográfia_harmadik rész

tranzit office tranzit.hu at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 11:10:23 CEST 2009

cimu kiallitas harmadik resze a Platan Galeriaban

Platan Galeria (VI. Andrassy ut 32.)
megnyito: oktober 21. 18 ora
megnyitja: Perneczky Geza
megtkintheto: 2009. oktober 22 - november 27.

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a tranzit. hu es a Dorottya Galeria (Mucsarnok) szervezeseben a Lengyel
Intezet egyuttmukodesevel

Hogyan jon letre a kritikai design, mely a mainstream konzumkulturaval szemben
okologiai, geopolitikai es tarsadalomkritikus tudatossaggal nem
pusztan megrendeloi
erdekeket szolgal ki, hanem aktivan formalja a vizualis kulturat, sot
a kultura es a
tarsadalom egeszet? A projekt fokuszaban a tipografia all, egy olyan
vizualis nyelv,
mely mind a design mind a kepzomuveszet teruleten ertelmezheto. A
kiallitason torteneti
es kortars muvek, projektek es kiadvanyok szerepelnek a design es a
hatarteruleterol harom altema kore csoportositva: tipografiai utopiak, anti- es
parallel design, szubverziv design.

Resztvevok: Cosovan Attila, Kai Bernau, Andreas Fogarasi, Dejan Kršić,
Tibor Kalman,
Kassak Lajos, Moholy-Nagy Laszlo, Boris Ondreička, Palotai Gabor, Papp
Gabor, Plagium 2000,
Katarina Šević, Societe Realiste, Mladen Stilinović, SZAF (Fischer
Judit, Mecs Miklos),
Žiga Testen, Modern Magyar Tipografiatortenet - Orosz Marton
osszeallitasa, Montage
( Szerk. Florian Pumhosl), Lengyel muveszkiadvanyok (Stefan Themerson,
Andrzej Partum,
Jan Berdyszak, Jarosław Kozłowski, Stanisław Drożdż, Zygmunt
PioTrowski, Fabryka,
Tango, Luxus, es masok) Piotr Rypson gyujtemenyebol, Kotun Viktor
valogatasa az Artpool muveszkiadvany gyujtemenyebol, tovabbi kiadvanyok

Kuratorok: Angel Judit, Hegyi Dora, Laszlo Zsuzsa

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Eloadasok a Platan Galeriaban:
2009. oktober 22, 17:00
Branka Stipancić - muveszettortenesz, Zagrab: Mladen Stilinović es mas
Piotr Rypson - muveszettortenesz, Varso: A nyomdan kivul - fuggetlen
lengyel muveszkiadvanyok
Perneczky Geza - muveszettortenesz, Koln: Muveszkiadvanyok az undergound
es az avantgard hataran

Az elso ket eloadas angol nyelvu, a harmadik magyar nyelvu.

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A kiallitas a masik ket helyszinen november 15-ig lathato. A Dorottya
Galeriaban megtekintheto hetfotol- pentekig 11-19 oraig,
a Laborban kedden es csutortokon 16 es 20 ora között.

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Egyuttmukodo partnerek: Artpool - Muveszetkutato Kozpont, Labor, Lengyel
Intezet, Magyar Nemzeti Galeria, Pesti Muhely - Fajo Janos, Petofi
Irodalmi Muzeum - Kassak Muzeum, Oktataskutato es Fejleszto Intezet, Sara
Erno, Somogyi Krisztina

Tamogatok: Oktatasi es Kulturalis Miniszterium, Nemzeti Kulturalis Alap,
Budapesti Oszi Fesztival

A Typopass - kritikai design es konceptualis tipografia kiallitas es
programsorozat az Europai Unio Kultura 2007 keretprogramja altal
tamogatott Art Always Has Its Consequences nemzetkozi projekt resze.

A tranzit kortars muveszeti programot az Erste Bank Csoport tamogatja.

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organized by tranzit. hu and Dorottya Gallery (Mucsarnok) with the
collaboration of Polish Institute
opens on Wednesday.

Platan Gallery (Polish Institute, 1065, Andrassy út 32.)
opening: 21 October 2009, 18:00
Opening Speech: Geza Perneczky, art historian
On view: 22 October -  27 November 2009

How does critical design emerge, the attempt to counter consumer culture
with a social consciousness with the intention not only to serve customers
but also to shape visual culture, even the whole of culture and society?
The project focuses on typography, a visual language that can be
interpreted both in the field of art and design. The exhibition present
historical and contemporary projects and publications from the boundary of
design and the visual arts in three groups: Typographical utopias, Anti-
and Parallel design, Subversive design.

Participants: Attila Cosovan, Kai Bernau, Andreas Fogarasi, Dejan Kršić,
Tibor Kalman, Lajos Kassak, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Boris Ondreička, Gabor
Palotai, Gabor Papp, Plagium 2000, Katarina Šević, Societe Realiste,
Mladen Stilinović, SZAF (Judit Fischer, Miklos Mecs), Žiga Testen, Modern
Hungarian typography-history - compiled by Marton Orosz, Montage (Edited
by: Florian Pumhosl), Artist publications from Poland (Stefan Themerson,
Andrzej Partum, Jan Berdyszak, Jarosław Kozłowski, Stanisław Drożdż,
Zygmunt PioTrowski, Fabryka, Tango, Luxus and others) selected and lent by
Piotr Rypson, Artist publications from the collection of Artpool Research
Center selected by Viktor Kotun, and further publications

Curators: Judit Angel, Dora Hegyi, Zsuzsa Laszlo

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Lectures at Platan Gallery
22 October 17:00
Branka Stipancić: Mladen Stilinović - Artist's Books
Piotr Rypson: Out of Type - Polish Artist Publications
Geza Perneczky: Artists' publication on the border of underground and

The first two lectures are in English, the third one in Hungarian.

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At the other two venues the exhibition is on view until November 15.
At Dorottya Gallery Monday-Friday between  11-19 and at Labor Tuesday
and Thursday between  16-20.

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Partners: Artpool Research Center, Hungarian Institute for Educational
Research and Development, Hungarian National Gallery, Labor, Pest Workshop
- Janos Fajo, Petofi Literary Museum - Kassak Museum, Polish Institute,
Erno Sara, Krisztina Somogyi

Supported by: National Cultural Fund - Hungary, Budapest Autumn Festival,
Ministry of Education and Culture

The exhibition and event series are part of the international project Art
Always Has Its Consequences co-financed by the Culture 2007 program of the
European Union.

tranzit is a contemporary art program supported by Erste Bank Group

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