[artinfo] newsletter - simultan festival - 21.23.05
simultan association
simultan at simultan.org
Tue May 19 02:12:07 CEST 2009
romanian version - please scroll down for english version
SIMULTAN05 - Festival de arta video si media
21-23 mai 2009, Timisoara
Editia din acest an are la baza tema 'Trans:position' si va avea loc in
perioada 21-23 mai 2009 in Timisoara, Romania.
Simultan este un festival dedicat artei video si media, care prezinta anual
o selectie internationala de arta video,
proiecte de live performance audio-video, concerte de muzica experimentala,
instalatii si prezentari/conferinte.
Festivalul isi propune sa sustina si sa stimuleze modalitatile creatoare ale
celor mai moderne viziuni de a percepe si inregistra realitatile culturale
in arta contemporana. Prezinta procesele actuale, precum si modul in care
tehnologia si societatea dau nastere unor noi forme de exprimare artistica,
prin folosirea noilor medii.
Mai multe detalii si program:
english version
SIMULTAN05 - Video and Media Arts Festival
21-23 may 2009, Timisoara
Based on a different theme every year, the festival presents video art
sound and music live performances, installations, lectures.
This year's edition runs under the theme Trans:position and will take place
on 21-23 May, 2009, in Timisoara, Romania.
The festival wishes to sustain and to stimulate the creative ways of the
most modern visions of perceiving and recording the cultural realities in
contemporary art.
It presents the current processes and the way in which technology and
society give rise to new forms of artistic expression by using the new
More about the festival and program:
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