[artinfo] Reminder: Strabag Artaward International 2009: Final week for Application!!!

Csóka Edina ecsoka at mucsarnok.hu
Tue Mar 3 11:58:57 CET 2009

Online Application now!! Final week!! 16.02. - 06.03.2009 
www.strabag-kunstforum.at, artaward

The Strabag Artaward International is an award for the promotion of art in the fields 
of painting and drawing for artists of up to 40 years of age. 
This new award succeeds to the former Strabag Artaward, which had been awarded 
to Austrian artists over the last 13 years. The Strabag Artaward International will be given 
away to artists from four countries, with the participating countries changing every three years.

Participating countries 2009 - 2011: AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA 
>From 2009 to 2011 artists from Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia 
are invited to participate. At the end of these three years, the new participating countries will 
be chosen. Austria as the home country of Strabag SE is a permanent starter.

The main prize of the Artaward is EUR 15.000. In addition, there are four runners-up prizes of 
EUR 5.000 each. After the award ceremony and the collective exhibition of all the prize-winning
works, each of the five winners will get a solo exhibition at the Artlounge of the Strabag Haus

We invite you to the application and request to provide this information to interested artists. 
Please read the rules of award exactly before your participation. 
You can apply online at www.strabag-kunstforum.at, artaward from 16 February to 6 March 2009. 
Please do the online form according to the directions and look out for the informations.
First fill in your personal data (name, adress, nationality, education, exhibitions..) than load up the 3( 6)pictures.
The images must have a resolution of 72 dpi and a size of maximally 1024x768 pixels as RGB jpg files.
They must be named 1_firstnamelastname.jpg, 2_firstnamelastname....

We are looking forward to your participation.

Sincerly yours 
Wilhelm Weiss, Barbara Baum, Tanja Skorepa

A-1220 Wien, Donau-City-Strasse 9
Tel.: +43 1 22422/1848
kunstforum at strabag.com
(See attached file: Rules of Award 2009.pdf) 

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