[artinfo] INTERVENTIONS3 - public presentation, 26/09/2008, Chisinau Circus

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Thu Sep 25 11:36:23 CEST 2008

artistic interventions in public space - press release

Public presentation at CHISINAU CIRCUS

– film projection
– launch of 7th issue of STATE of EMERGENCY/Oberliht Supplement
– debates with project participants

September 26, 2008 | 7 p.m.

Project by Oberliht Association
Project director – Vladimir US
Co-curator – Natasa BODROZIC
contact: + 373 69 171010

The INTERVENTIONS3, artistic project dealing with public space took place
in the city of Chisinau and its surroundings throughout August this year.
The project gathered more than thirty participants from Moldova, Romania,
Croatia, Germany and France who stayed in the city for a short term
residency creating art works and reflecting over the processes producing
Chisinau’s public space today, the city's visual structure, the memory and
experience of its inhabitants' everyday life. Their stay is documented in
the catalogue, STATE of EMERGENCY magazine / Oberliht Supplement and a
film that is going to be shown for the first time on this occasion.

The project consisted of several phases: city walks, artists’ projects,
public presentations and discussions, Ghidighici GRAFFITI session and
opening to the public of ARThotel – a space for artistic production and
exchange. Leading Romanian artists visited Chisinau and created work
exclusively for this occasion (Dan PERJOVSCHI, Vlad NANCA, Nicu ILFOVEANU
etc.), some of which are still accessible to the visitors. The project was
also exploring sub-cultural urban practices (graffiti and street art, free
cultural goods flux) as a form of resistance to overwhelming processes of
commercialization. As a side effect, througout the city of Chisinau
various examples of street art can be found.

The sound work by Nicu ILFOVEANU Footage revisited realized within the
INTERVENTIONS3 project wll be put on air on NASE RADIO on 26th of
September, 2008 (frequence: 101.3 FM). Nicu ILFOVEANU is focusing on
sonority of everyday life, recording the sounds of chaotic city pulse:
voice of the lady selling rat poison on the market mixed with a radio
show, sounds of the swinger somewhere on the periphery, birds, buses,
cars. ILFOVEANU raised city sound curtain revealing another state of the
place, providing density of invisible urban reality.

Poetry work by Alexandru COSMESCU can be met on several trolleybus lines
in Chisinau (nr. 4, 20, 8, 21, 28, 10)  throughout September and October
2008. Instead of adds hang in the trolleybuses, COSMESCU offers poetical
texts, creating intimate place when it is the least expected: inside the
public transportation.

After Chisinau presentation, the INTERVENTIONS3 project will be presented
in Bucharest at UNA gallery in the beginning of October 2008 and in
Zagreb, Croatia in 2009.

For all the informations about the project, please visit our web site or
contact us personally on the Phone number stated above.

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Ludmila BOUROS – artist [md]
Michele BRESSAN – artist, photographer [ro]
Ion BUZU – poet, anarchist [md]
Vlad CADAR – artist [ro]
Angela CANDU – artist [md]
Alexandru CIUBOTARIU – artist [ro]
Catharina COCH – film director [de]
Alexandru COSMESCU – poet [md]
Nicoleta ESINENCU – play writer [md]
Tatiana FIODOROVA – artist [md]
Ion FISTICANU – artist [md]
Stephane IBARS – curator [fr]
Nicu ILFOVEANU – artist, photographer [ro]
Vadim LUNGUL – poet, situationist [md]
Vlad NANCA – artist, curator [ro]
Mircea NICOLAE – artist [ro]
No Shagga: Serghei TERENTII – voice, Mihai GITU – guitar, Sergiu ZGARDAN –
guitar [md]
Dan PERJOVSCHI – artist [ro]
Alina POPA – artist, photographer [ro]
Andy SINBOY – artist [es/uk/ro]
Larisa SITAR – artist [ro]
Stefan TIRON – information smuggler [ro]
Mark VERLAN – artist [md]
Vladimir US – artist, curator [md]
2 + 2: Alexandru RAEVSCHI & Ruxanda STEFANOV – artists [md]

Ghidighici GRAFFITI session
Nicu BOUROS [md] | Vlad CADAR [ro] | Alexandru CIUBOTARIU [ro] | Victor
DRAGHICI [md] | Constantin DRUTA [md] | Evghenii [md] | Ilie HADIRCA [md]
| Vadim LUNGUL [md] | Andy SINBOY [ro/es/en] | Constantin SARCOV [md] |
Dorin SAVCO [md] | Vadim TIGANAS [md] | Petia VINARI [md]

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UNAgaleria is an exhibition space of the National University of Art from
Bucharest that serves as a contact point, place of information for
students, professors, guests and partners. Its activities include
organization of exhibitions, conferences, open workshops and round tables
that promote the image of the university and the quality of the theoretic
exercise and exhibition practice. Every year the gallery hosts about 20
Romanian and international art exhibitions, with theoretical debates and
workshops. It gives equal attention to every artistic language – painting,
sculpture, decorative arts, photography, video, installation, performance,
etc, that are present in group manifestations, or personal exhibitions –
an important accent is on interdisciplinary projects.
The annual program of the gallery is launched through projects related to
University program schedule; the proposals come from students or
professors from the university or from artist and curators that are

STATE of EMERGENCY magazine aims to become an interactive space run by
different creative groups relevant for Romanian culture. The project State
of Emergency unites a big number of writers, artists, intellectuals,
literary critics from Romania and Republic of Moldova, but also from other
regions where the presence of an artistic and literary innovative culture
is registered, in this way enabling the interaction between them by
establishing direct contacts, encouraging cultural cooperation and
exchange projects, identifying and promoting young talents, informing and
forming new readers, promoting literature and art with a strong social
Beginning with December 2007 Oberliht Association is editing the Oberliht
supplement, a 4 pages A3 space dedicated to contemporary art and culture
from Moldova, that appears together with State of Emergency magazine.

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(Gh. Asachi str., nr. 53/1, lit. “A”, Chisinau)

ARThotel is a space for artistic creation and exchange in the city of
Chisinau whose driving force constitute the artists and their practices.
It opened in August 2008 with a project by Dan PERJOVSCHI realized in the
frame of INTERVENTIONS3 project. The exhibition is open to the public and
is possible to be visited till December 20, 2008 by contacting the
organizers at: + 373 69 171010
Run by Oberliht Association it will primarily host visual art(ists) for
short term residencies, creation, production, diffusion, workshops,
debates with the possibility to open towards other disciplines in the

The farm in Ghidighici
(Ghidighici village, Chisinau municipality)

In the village of Ghidighici, a suburb of Chisinau, a wall of ex kolkhoz
was to be covered with graffiti, blurring this way the limits between the
urban and rural environments. What used to be communal agricultural good
now became a place of joint action by a group of local and invited
graffiti artists. The wall today represents an exhibition in open air and
is possible to be visited in any time of the day.

Chisinau Circus
(bd. Renasterii 33, Chisinau)

Chisinau Circus will host the final presentation of the INTERVENTIONS3
project. Re-activated by an international group of artists involved
throughout August and September 2008 in the realization of SYNAPSES
project (http://www.project-synapses.eu), the Municipal Circus, after a
pause of 5 years, becomes a platform used by different groups and
organizations active in Chisinau.

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Radio Free Europe
Radio ULIM

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Project director
Vladimir US
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Project coordinator
Gheorghe ZUGRAVU
tel: + /373/ 68 289364

For more detailes about the 1st and 2nd phaze of INTERVENTIONS project
please visit these pages:

INTERVENTIONS2   |   2007   |   http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii2.html
INTERVENTIONS1   |   2006 – 2007   |

The INTERVENTIONS3 project is organized in partnership with UNAgaleria /
Bucharest, STATE of EMERGENCY magazine for literature, art and attitude,
French Alliance from Moldova and Center for Contemporay Art, Chisinau,
with the financial support of the Latin Union (office from Republic of
Moldova), Romanian Cultural Institute through the CANTEMIR Program,
European Cultural Foundation and Henkel Romania.

Vladimir US

INTERVENTII3 | project director

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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