[artinfo] Check in Budapest 2. 2008.11.28. 5pm, Ernst Museum

tijana stepanovic tijana.stepanovic at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 14:09:35 CET 2008



vizitorprogramok, eloadasok es kerekasztal beszelgetesek
az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda szervezeseben

*A masodik nyilvanos esemeny idopontja: 2008. november 28. (pentek), 17 ora

*Helyszin:** Ernst Muzeum (1065 Budapest, Nagymezo utca 8.)*


*Mihnea MIRCAN*, kurator, kritikus (Romania)
*Simon REES*, a vilniusi Contemporary Art Centre (CAC) kuratora (Litvania)
*Marina SORBELLO*, kurator, kritikus, a berlini Uqbar tarsalapitoja

*Kuratori poziciok - Check in Budapest 2.*
A *Check in Budapest* programsorozat masodik reszenek vendegei olyan,
kifejezetten fiatal kuratorok, akiket markans szakmai strategiaiknak
koszonhetoen a nemzetkozi kortars kepzomuveszeti elet meghatarozo
szereploikent tartanak szamon. Mihnea Mircan, Simon Rees es Marina Sorbello
kuratori palyaja harom kulonbozo szakmai modellt reprezental. Mircan
jelenleg szabaduszokent dolgozik, Rees Litvania vezeto kortars muveszeti
intezmenyenek kuratora, mig Sorbello egy grassroots muveszeti szervezet
tarsalapitoja. A nemzetkozi muveszeti elet nyitott, dinamikusan valtozo
rendszereben azonban ez a harom szereplo hasonlo lepteku szakmai sikereket
konyvelhet el. A kulonbozo modellek sajatossagai mellett a *Kuratori
poziciok *- *Check in Budapest 2.* vendegei aktualis projektjeikrol,
valamint a kozeljovoben megvalosulo szakmai terveikrol tartanak 20-20 perces


Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius: www.cac.lt
Uqbar, Berlin: http://projectspace.uqbar-ev.de
Mihnea Mircan aktualis projektje (Since we last spoke about monuments,
Stroom, Den Haag):

Az eloadasok nyelve angol.

*Check in Budapest:*
2008 oszetol az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda a
Mucsarnokkal egyuttmukodesben nagyszabasu programsorozatot inditott, melynek
kereteben 2009 juniusaig kozel harminc kulfoldi kurator es kritikus kap
meghivast nehany napos budapesti tanulmanyutra. A program celja, hogy
muteremlatogatasok es talalkozok soran minel tobb nemzetkozi szakember
ismerkedjen meg a hazai kepzomuveszeti kozeggel es annak szereploivel. A
meghivott resztvevok nyilvanos eloadasokon es panelbeszelgeteseken mutatjak
be az erdeklodoknek tevekenysegukat, szakmai elkepzeleseiket es sajat
szcenajuk aktualis helyzetet.

A *Check in Budapest* esemenyei kulonbozo tematikai fokuszpontok kore
szervezodnek. A meghivott vendegek olyan, az erintett temakban jaratos
nemzetkozi szakemberek, akiket eddigi szakmai teljesitmenyuk es terveik
tesznek izgalmassa a magyar kozonseg szamara.

A *Check in Budapest* masodik reszere az Ernst Muzeumban, az
*Overcoming*cimu kiallitas ideje alatt kerul sor.

A *Check in Budapest* programsorozat az ACAX kezdemenyezesere, a Reneszansz
Ev 2008 kereteben, a Mucsarnokkal egyuttmukodesben valosul meg.

Tamogató: Oktatasi es Kulturalis Miniszterium

Az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda a Ludwig Muzeum-Kortars
Muveszeti Muzeum szervezeti kereteben mukodik.

ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda
ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange

1065 Budapest, Nagymezo utca 8. (kaputelefon 101, bejarat a haz lepcsohaza
Tel: + 36 1 501 4111
Fax: + 36 1 501 4112
E-mail: info at acax.hu
Web: www.acax.hu



a series of curatorial research programs, public presentations & round
organized by ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange

*Date of the second event: 28 November 2008 (Friday), 5 pm*

*Location: Ernst Museum, 1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 8.*


*Mihnea MIRCAN*, curator, critic (Romania)
*Simon REES*, curator of the Contemporary Art Centre (CAC) in Vilnius (
*Marina SORBELLO*, curator, critic, co-founder of Uqbar in Berlin (Germany)

*Curatorial positions – Check in **Budapest** 2.*
The guests of the second edition of *Check in Budapest* are young curators
who are respected due to their strong professional strategies as determining
figures of the international contemporary art scene. The curatorial career
of Mihnea Mircan, Simon Rees and Marina Sorbello is representing three
different models. Mircan is currently working as freelance curator, Rees is
the curator of Lithuania's leading contemporary art institution, as long as
Sorbello is the co-founder of a grassroots initiative. Nevertheless with
respect to the open and dynamically changing system of the international art
scene all of them obtained similar professional successes.

The guests of *Curatorial Positions - Check in **Budapest** 2.* will talk
about the features of the different models, as well as about their current
projects and future exhibition plans.

Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius: www.cac.lt
Uqbar, Berlin: http://projectspace.uqbar-ev.de
Mihnea Mircan's current project (Since we last spoke about monuments,
Stroom, Den Haag):


*Check in **Budapest***
The curatorial visitor program *Check in Budapest* is a series of events
taking place between October 2008-June 2009. In accordance with the main
goal of the hosting organization - ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art
Exchange – this program aims to establish and maintain channels of effective
and continuous professional communication among the actors of the Hungarian
and international art scene, as well as to promote and support the
international appearance and integration of Hungarian artists.

The different editions of *Check in Budapest* consist out of two main
activities: a curatorial research, completed by public presentations and
panel discussions.

In order to give an extensive insight into the Hungarian art scene and the
places of art production, the curatorial research program will include
guided tours to different galleries and museums, as well as meetings with
artists, curators and key cultural producers.

Each public lecture and talk will focus on a special topic – such as
international residency programs; the diverse possibilities, formats,
conceptual and economic frameworks for art production; or the methods of
collecting and archiving contemporary art. The thematic events will bring
together different international curators who will present their work and
strategies to the Hungarian audience and share their ideas with each other
in a public debate.

*Check in Budapest* is initiated and organized by ACAX | Agency for
Contemporary Art Exchange in collaboration with Kunsthalle Budapest, as well
as the financial support from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The second edition of *Check in Budapest* is taking place in Ernst
Museumduring the exhibition
*Overcoming* (www.mucsarnok.hu/new_site/index.php?lang=en&t=477&curmenu=101

 ACAX is the international exchange program of Ludwig Museum–Museum of
Contemporary Art, Budapest (www.lumu.hu)

ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange
H-1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 8.
Tel: + 36 1 501 4111
Fax: + 36 1 501 4112
E-mail: info at acax.hu
Web: www.acax.hu

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