[artinfo] fwd: The envelope is the museum

Janos Sugar sj at c3.hu
Sat May 10 11:16:23 CEST 2008

   Welcome visitors to EMMA, The Electronic Museum of Mail Art.

   EMMA encourages you to browse through its interactive galleries and
   rooms. Next, take time to meet your guide Crackerjack Kid. The kid
   will lead you to the EMMA Library where you can read the past and
   issues of Netshaker Online, or browse through the contents of Eternal
   Network: A Mail Art Anthology. If you wish to view the current
   emailart exhibition instead, enter the Emailart Gallery or view
   "Cyberstamps," mail art's first World Wide Web invitational exhibition
   now appearing in the Artistamp Gallery.

   Please send your snail mail suggestions to EMMA,
         Chuck Welch
         jackkid at pclink.com
         19 Indian Hills Dr.
         Circle Pines, MN 55014,

         phone 612-785-9669


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