[artinfo] Fw: Jens Haaning ne Stacion / Jens Haaning at Stacion

Albert Heta albertheta at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 14:18:49 CEST 2008

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Stacion Qendra per Art Bashkekohor, Prishtine

Jens Haaning: Kosova
Puna kuratoriale Albert Heta
26/6/2008 – 20/8/2008
Hapja: 26/6/2008, 20:00h.

Llaf me artistin Jens Haaning
27/6/2008, 20:00h.
Vendi: Stacion Qendra per Art Bashkekohor Prishtine

Jens Haaning and Albert Heta
28/6/2008, 21:00 h.
Vendi: "CK", Skopje
Addresa: Bul. Ilinden 38, 1000 Skopje

Nuk ka tekst per kete ekspozite. Duheni me qene k’tu per me pa.

Qysh me ardhe ketu?
Ne Prishtine mundeni me ardhe me aeroplan direkt prej Vjenes, Budapestit,
Zagrebit dhe Tiranes. Fluturimet charter e lidhin Prishtinen me shumicen e
qyteteve te medha ne Evrope dhe me Nju Jorkun. Aeroporti i Shkupit eshte
vetem 80 km larg Prishtines.Stacion Qendra per Art Bashkekohor Prishtine
gjendet ne qendren e qytetit te vjeter te Prishtines. Prishtina eshte
kryeqyteti i Republikes se Kosoves.

JENS HAANING eshte artist danez qe punon ne Kopenhage, i cili shpesh here
provokon limitet shoqerore permes artit te tij, pershkruan dhe ve ne pah
çeshtjet mbi bashkejetesen dhe perjashtimin e grupeve te margjinalizuara.
Permes nje perfaqsimi te paperfunduar, te kulturave te huaja te perziera
me simbolet e kultures shumice. Haaning, efektin qe puna e tij ka ne
shikuesin e ben  te jete pjesa qendrore e punes. Puna e Jens Haaning eshte
shfaqur ne ekspozita personale dhe kolektive neper tere boten me
ekspoziten e tij me te fundit ne Galerine Antonio Molina, Kopenhage,
Danimarke. Ekspozitat tjera personale perfshijne ne Galerine Goodeater ne
Toronto,Kanada; Espai 13, Fundació Joan Miró ne Barcelona, Spanje; L68 ne
Londer, Britania e Madhe; Galeria Mehdi Chouakri ne Berlin, Gjermani; dhe
Forum Galleriet ne Malmö,Suedi. Ne Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikes, puna e
Haaning eshte shfaqur ne kuader te ekspozitave kolektive ne Muzeun Whitney
te American Art, Nju Jork, dhe ne katalogun San Francisco Art Institute,
San Francisco. Puna e Haaning eshte ekspozuar po ashtu ne ekspozita tjera
kolektive jasht vendit ne Espace Culturel François Mitterrand, Périgueux,
France; ne Illeana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, Athine, Greqi;
Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lituani; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam,
Holande; Centre d’Art Contemporaion, Gjeneve, Zvicerr,
mes tjerash. Pergjegjes per nje numer te shumte te projekteve publike
artistike, ne punimet permanente publike te Haaning perfshihen “Turkish
Jokes”/ “Shakaja Turke” ne Muzeun Nacional te Etnologjise ne Leiden,
Holande, “Afghanistan 5012 km” ne Leidsche Rijn, ne Utrecht, Holande.
Haaning ka vijuar studimet ne Akademine Mbreterore te Arteve te Bukura/
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art ne Kopenhage, Denimarke, dhe Akademie der
Bildende Künste ne Minhen, Gjermani.

ALBERT HETA (b.1974)
Punon si artist, dizajner dhe menaxher arti.
Punet e tija shpesh mund te jene akte te thjeshta intervenimi perbrenda
kushteve shoqerore ekzistuese, situatave apo objekteve. Perderisa
intervenimi eshte gjithnje,per dallim, nje rebelim i realitetit ekzistues
“jozyrtare”, te cilin gjendja zyrtare/objekti/situatat e fsheh apo
thjeshte e anashkalon.

Punet e tij siç jane “It's time to go visiting: No visa required”,
intervenim publik ne billboard-at e British Airways ne Prishtine (2003),
'Ambasada e Republikes se Kosoves ne Cetinje, SCG' (2004) apo Pavilioni
Kosovar ne Bienalen e Venedikut(2005) nuk jane vetem vete instalacioni apo
ne nje rast akti i pervetesimit te Pavilionit te Shqiperise dhe artistit
te saj, apo informata e shperndare permes
e-flux.com per Pavilionin e Kosoves, por po ashtu edhe kushtet nen cilat
punet e tij jane pranuar nga kuratoret, mediat, politikanet, diskutimet qe
kane ndodhur dhe po ndodhin ne raport me punet  dhe tere mekanizmin dhe
diskursi i cili eshte inicuar,ndjenjat dhe diskutimet te cilat jane kane
dale dhe jane revitalizuar si rezultat i jehones se ketyre puneve.

Punet e Hetes jane ekspozuar ne nje kontekst te gjere nderkombetare duke
perfshire: Apexart, Nju Jork, MARCO, Vigo, Kunsthalle Fridericianum,
Kassel, Insa Art Space, Seoul etj.

Albert Heta eshte bashkethemelues i Stacion Qendres per Art Bashkekohor ne
Prishtine dhe ka kuruar programin e ekspozitave ne Stacion gjate vitit
2007 dhe 2008.

Stacion Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina

Jens Haaning: Kosova
Curatorial by Albert Heta
26/6/2008 – 20/8/2008
Opening: 26/6/2008, 20:00 hrs.

Unbelievable! Jens Haaning
Artist Talk
27/6/2008, 20:00 hrs.
Venue: Stacion Qendra per Art Bashkekohor Prishtine

Jens Haaning and Albert Heta
28/6/2008, 21:00 h.
Venue: "CK", Skopje
Address: Bul. Ilinden 38, 1000 Skopje

There is no text for this exhibition. You have to be here to see it!

How to get here?
Prishtina is reachable by direct flight from Vienna, Budapest, Tirana,
Zagreb and Ljubljana. Charter lights connect Prishtina with the many
European cities and New York.  Skopje airport is only 80 km away form
Prishtina. Stacion Center for Contemporary Art is situated in the old city
center of Prishtina. Prishtina is the capital of the Republic of Kosova.

JENS HAANING is a Danish artist based in Copenhagen, who frequently
invokes social borders in his art, depicting and emphasizing issues of
co-existence and the exclusion of marginalized groups. Through open-ended
representations of foreign cultures fused with symbols of the majority
culture, Haaning makes the artwork’s effect on the viewer its primary
focus. Haaning’s work has appeared in solo and group exhibitions around
the world, with recent one-person exhibitions at the Galleri Nicolai
Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark; Rote Zelle, München, Germany; and the
Galleri Antonio Molina, Copenhagen, Denmark. Other venues for solo
exhibition include the Goodwater gallery in Toronto, Canada; Espai 13,
Fundació Joan Miró inBarcelona, Spain; L68 in London, Great Britain; the
Gallery Mehdi Chouakri in Berlin, Germany; and the Forum Galleriet in
Malmö, Sweden. In the United States,Haaning’s work has appeared in group
exhibitions at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, and the San
Francisco Art Institute catalogue, San Francisco. Haaning’s work has
appeared in group exhibitions abroad at the Espace Culturel François
Mitterrand, Périgueux, France; the Illeana Tounta Contemporary Art Center,
Athens, Greece; the Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania; the
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and the Centre d’Art
Contemporaion,Geneva, Switzerland, among others. Responsible for numerous
public art projects,Haaning’s permanent public works include “Turkish
Jokes” at the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden, The Netherlands, and
“Afghanistan 5012 km” at Leidsche Rijn,
in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Haaning attended the Royal Danish Academy of
Fine Art in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the Akademie der Bildende Künste in
München, Germany.

ALBERT HETA (b.1974) is a Kosovar artist based in Prishtina who works as
an artist,designer and an art manager. His works can be often simple acts
of intervention in an existing social condition, responses to a given
situation, or rethinking of existing objects. The interventions always are
insurgence of an “unofficial” existing reality that appear hidden in the
official condition/object/situation or are simply dismissed.

His notable works “It's time to go visiting: No visa required”, a public
intervention on British Airways billboards in Prishtina (2003), 'Embassy
of the Republic of Kosova Cetinje, SCG' (2004) or his 'Kosovar Pavilion
Venice Biennial 2005', are not merely installation and acts of
appropriation (e.g. the information spread via e-flux for the Pavilion),
but also acts of engagements with the conditions under which the works
were accepted by the curators, media, politicians, and the public. His
works never fail to provoke debates in relation to the social,cultural and
political mechanisms, evoking sentiments and discussions rekindled as
the result of the “disseminating” of these works in public context.

Heta's work has been exhibited in a wide international context including:
Apexart, New York, MARCO, Vigo, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Insa Art
Space, Seoul  etc.

Albert Heta is co-founder of Stacion Center for Contemporary Arts,
Prishtina and has curated the exhibitions program of Stacion in year 2007
and 2008.

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