[artinfo] Artur Zmijewski a Trafo Galeriaban

Nikolett Eross nikol at trafo.hu
Thu Jan 24 16:10:36 CET 2008

Please scroll down for the English text

Radikalis szolidaritas

Artur Zmijewski


Trafo Galeria, 2008 januar 26 – marcius 2
Kurator: Eross Nikolett

* Megnyito:

2008. januar 25, pentek, 19h

** Beszelgetes a muvesszel: 2008. januar 26, szombat, 17h

(a beszelgetes napjan kivetelesen a galeria 14h-kor nyit!)

Artur Zmijewski a nemzetkozi kortars kepzomuveszeti elet legalabb 
annyira ellentmondasos, amennyire elismert figuraja. Filmjei megosztjak 
a kozonseget: hivei es kritikusai gyakran hasonlo ervek menten dicserik 
vagy karhoztatjak munkait. Amellett, hogy rangos nemzetkozi kiallitasok 
resztvevoje, 2005-ben o kepviselte Lengyelorszagot a Velencei Biennalen, 
tavaly pedig a kortars kepzomuveszeti elet egyik legfontosabb esemenye, 
a kasseli „documenta 12” meghivottja volt. Rendszeresen publikal a 
muveszet tarsadalmi felelossegvallalasarol, kozeleti-politikai vitak 
Munkai alapelmenye a sztereotipiak koze ekeltseg, a fizikai es a 
tarsadalmi test altali meghatarozottsag. Ez azonban tavolrol sem a muvek 
teremtette helyzet – a felkavart nezo nem kapja meg a konnyebbseget, 
hogy a muveszt nevezze ki felelosse, es a felvetest csupan a muveszet 
maganugyekent konyvelje el. A filmekben bemutatott felemelo, fajdalmas 
vagy irritalo helyzetek eredoje a legtobbunk altal elfogadott tarsadalmi 
szerzodesek felfuggesztese, a szem elott levo, de onvedelembol, 
tehetetlensegbol, vagy tapintatbol nem meglatott dolgok, a normalitas 
sima felszinet felsebzo elkulonbozesek hirtelen felvillanasa. Ha filmjei 
provokativak is, ez a provokacio nem a szereploknek, mint inkabb a 
valosagot megkerulo, moralizalo ertelmezeseknek szol.

Bovebb informacio es a muvesszel keszitett interju itt olvashato: 


Radical Solidarity

a show by

Artur Zmijewski

Trafo Gallery 26 January, 2008 – 2 March, 2008

Curated by: Nikolett Eross

* Opening: 7pm, 25 January (Friday), 2008.

** Artist talk: 26 January (Saturday) 2008, 5pm

(this day the gallery opens already at 2pm!)

Artur Zmijewski’s figure is as much contradictory as acclaimed in the 
international contemporary art scene. His films divide the audience: his 
fans and critics often praise or denounce his works along the lines of 
similar reasons. Besides having participated at prominent international 
shows, he was representative of Poland at the 2005 Venice Biennial, and 
last year he was guest at “documenta 12” in Kassel, one of the most 
significant events of the contemporary art scene. He regularly publishes 
articles on the social responsibility of art and raises his voice in 
public and political debates.

The fundamental experience of his works is how we are constricted by 
stereotypes and determined by the physical and the social body. The 
works, however, actually give rise to a completely different situation: 
the agitated spectator is denied the comfort of pronouncing the artist 
responsible and dismissing the problem as the private matter of art. The 
elevating, grievous, or irritating situations represented in the films 
all culminate in the suspension of the social contracts recognized by 
most of us. We suddenly glimpse things that have been right before our 
eyes, unperceived on account of self-defence, weakness of will, or tact; 
we notice the ‘differances’ scraping the smooth surface of normality. 
Even if his films are provocative, this provocation is directed not at 
the characters, but at the moralizing interpretations that tend to 
circumvent reality.

More information:http://www.trafo.hu/statics/trafo_galeria


Trafo – Kortars Muveszetek Haza, Trafo Galeria / Trafo – House of 
Contemporary Arts, Trafo Gallery

1094 Budapest, Liliom utca 41. /
tel.: 456-2044, fax: 456-2050 / e-mail: gallery at trafo.hu / 
<mailto:gallery at trafo.hu>http://www.trafo.hu

Nyitva: keddtol vasarnapig 16 – 19 oraig, valamint eloadasok elott es 
utan egy oran keresztul
Open: Tuesday to Sunday 4–7 pm, and one hour before and after the 

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