[artinfo] *// Aether9 new online performance //*
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Thu Apr 17 00:38:01 CEST 2008
The AETHER9 collective is pleased to invite you to attend its new
online performance LRRH, which will be premiered in the course of the
next days at Festival de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia, and Mapping
Festival, Geneva, Switzerland. The performance will be transmitted
live through a web interface, accessible to online viewers from any
Schedules, live interface, locations and more: http://1904.cc
Further information about the Aether9 project:
Aether9 is an experiment in collaborative remote realtime storytelling
through the use of networked video transmission.
Aether9 is supported by sitemapping.ch (Swiss Federal Office of Culture)
Aether9 emergency mirror sites:
Colombia (Manizales)
Paula Velez (AV transmission)
Natalia Valencia (AV transmission)
Gladkazuka (live soundtrack + wolf)
USA 1 (Yorba Linda)
Christiaan Cruz (video transmission)
The Netherlands (Rotterdam)
Audrey Samson (video transmissions)
USA 2 (New York)
Judy Nylon (Doll House transmission)
Belgium (Brussels)
Laure De Selys (The Girl)
Chloe Cramer (video transmission)
Switzerland (Geneva)
Boris Kish (The Operator)
Manuel Schmalstieg: (AV transmission)
Bliscappen Van Maria: (live soundtrack + wolves)
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