[artinfo] filmek a CEUn - hermafroditizmus es intersex

Beata Hock gphhob01 at phd.ceu.hu
Fri Mar 2 14:47:40 CET 2007

The Central Eropean Unversity's Gender Film Club warmly welcomes you to the screening of the films


Date: Monday, March 5
Time: 6 pm
Location: Toth Istvan Göyorgy Room (Nador 11, room 006)

Length: 24 min

More than one in every 2000 people is born with some sort of intersex condition, which makes them neither male nor female but somewhere in between. In this provocative and deftly constructed film, four woman-identified intersex people tell their stories with elegance and candor. Set against beautiful backgrounds of transforming photographs and gardens, Melissa, Mary, Barba, and Sara speak openly about hermaphrodism, surgery, gender, and identity. This film questions how medicine and society have treated the intersexed, and breaks the codes of silence and secrecy that have surrounded their lives.

Length: 1 hour, 40 min

This ground-breaking two-part series tells the story of four female-to-male transsexuals - all at different stages of the process of changing sex to become men. From their struggles to get treatment, the dramatic effects of testosterone as their voices drop and they transform into men, the radical surgery to reshape their chests and create a penis, and the impact that their sex-changes have on their friends, family and lovers. MAKE ME A MAN takes us into a previously hidden world of female-to-male transsexuals.

There are now over 2,000 female-to-male transsexuals in the UK. Unlike many male-to-females who struggle to 'pass' as women, the effects of the testosterone are often so dramatic that after a few years most female-to-males are simply indistinguishable from biological men.

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