[artinfo] SocialEast Seminar in the Ludwig Museum

Csejtei Orsolya csejtei.orsolya at ludwigmuseum.hu
Tue Nov 7 11:37:27 CET 2006


Forum on the Art and Visual Culture of Eastern Europe


Ludwig Museum Budapest 
Friday, November 10, 2006 12-6 pm


12.00   Welcome: Reuben Fowkes (MIRIAD Manchester Metropolitan University)
12.05   Socialist Memory Film Screening Part I: Anri Sala, Intervista (1998)
12.30   Lynda Morris (Norwich School of Art and Design)
'Picasso: Peace or Freedom: Sheffield Peace Congress 1950'
13.00   Anton Lederer (Rotor Graz) 

'Don't trust the pictures. Some examples of manipulation in art'
13.30   Eva Forgacs (Pasadena Art Centre for Design) 
'Documenting Socialism and its Culture'

14.00   Discussion
Lead by Jim Aulich (MIRIAD Manchester Metropolitan University)
14.20   Break


15.00   Bojana Pejić (Curator, Berlin) 
'The Production of the Unknown Heroine'

15.30   Angela Harutyunyan (University of Bremen)
'Collective Memory Fragmented: Public Symbols and Political Power in Minsk'
16.00   Discussion
Lead by Reuben Fowkes (MIRIAD MMU)
16.20   Socialist Memory Film Screening Part II
Introduced by Maja and Reuben Fowkes  (Translocal.org)

Zbynek Baladran (Czech Republic), Working Process, 2004 (9 min)
Arturas Raila (Lithuania), The Girl is Innocent, 1999 (17 min)

Goran Dević (Croatia), Imported Crows, 2005 (22 min)

Johanna Billing (Sweden) Magical World, 2005 (6.12 min)


17.40   Final Discussion
Lead by János Sugár ( Academy of Fine Arts Budapest) 
18.00   End of programme in Ludwig Museum
18.30   Private View of Revolution is not a Garden Party
Trafó Gallery, Liliom utca 41, IX District, Budapest

19.30   Dinner 
Details to be confirmed.


The SocialEast research forum considers the art and visual culture of
Eastern Europe from the end of the Second World War to the fall of the
Berlin Wall, through collaborative projects, exhibitions and seminars. The
project is organised by MIRIAD Manchester Metropolitan University in
collaboration with Pasts Inc. Central European University,Ludwig Museum of
Contemporary Art Budapest, the Institute of Art History Zagreb and
www.artmargins.com <http://www.artmargins.com/> 

For more details contact the project organiser Dr. Reuben Fowkes by email to
r.fowkes at mmu.ac.uk or see the project website www.socialeast.org





Ludwig Múzeum - Museum of Contemporary Art

H-1095 Budapest

Komor Marcell u. 1.

Phone: +36 1 555-3444

www.ludwigmuseum.hu <http://www.ludwigmuseum.hu/> 

info at ludwigmuseum.hu


Csejtei Orsolya


Phone: 555-3468

Mailto: csejtei at ludwigmuseum.hu

Mobile: +36 70 77 555 60


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