[artinfo] Founding of imai - inter media art institute

235 MEDIA mail at 235media.com
Mon Jun 19 16:41:21 CEST 2006

Founding of

imai - inter media art institute

On the initiative of the media art agency 235 
MEDIA and the City of Düsseldorf the first 
non-profit foundation imai which is dedicated not 
only to the distribution of media art, but also 
to conservation and research issues is created.

Starting in the 1980s, the founders of 235 MEDIA, 
Ulrich Leistner and Axel Wirths have built up an 
extensive archive of video art as well as an 
international distribution network. Thanks to the 
active commitment of "Kunststiftung NRW" and the 
support of "Kulturstiftung der Länder" and in 
cooperation with "NRW Forum Kultur und 
Wirtschaft" and "stiftung museum kunst palast" 
both the collection and the distribution 
structure of 235 MEDIA have now been transferred 
to imai - inter media art institute.

The non-profit foundation imai is located in the 
NRW Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft in Düsseldorf. In 
November 2006 imai will present its field of 
activities and a selection of represented artists 
with a first exhibition and a congress.

Sandra Thomas, Alexandra Wessels
Ehrenhof 2, 40479 Düsseldorf
<mailto:info at imaionline.org>info at imaionline.org

235 Media GmbH, Am Kölner Brett 6, 50825 Köln
Tel: xx49-221-54648.0, Fax: xx49-221-54648.48
<mailto:mail at 235media.com>mail at 235media.com 

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