[artinfo] Free school for art theory and practice
hegyidora1 at chello.hu
Fri Jul 28 14:02:01 CEST 2006
a tranzit. hu
Muveszetelmeleti es -gyakorlati szabadiskolat indit
2006 szeptemberetol
A Muveszetelmeleti es -gyakorlati szabadiskola abbol indul ki, hogy a kortars muveszet es kultúra altal letrehozott tudas- es ismerettoblet szelesebb korben is ertekes hozzajarulassak gazdagithatja a tarsadalmi kozbeszed kulonbozo fajtait. Celkituzese az, hogy aktiv reszvetelen alapulo szeminariumok formajaban a muevszeti poziciok, akritikai szempontok, valamint a muveszeti intezmenyrendszer vizsgalata reven gyarapitsa a magyarorszagi muveszeti kozeg elmeleti es gyakorlati eszkoztarat. A szabadiskola elnevezes olyab kozossegi osszejovelekre utal, amelyeken a resztvevok parbeszed es vita soran alakitjak ki a kozos gondolkodas es tapasztalatcsere lehetoseget.
Az iskola havi rendszeresseggel, hetvegi szeminariumok formajaban mukodik. Az egyes szeminariumokat meghivott muveszek, kuratorok, elmeleti es muzeumi szakemberek tartjak, figyelembe veve a magyarorszagi kortars muveszet helyzetet es az itt folyo diskurzusokat. A program a meghivott szemelyisegek gyakorlati tevekenysegere alapozva teszi lehetove az elmeleti es gyakorlati kerdesek megvitatasat.
A Muveszetelmeleti es -gyakorlati szabadiskolat celjai:
- a kortars kultara aktualis jelensegeinek vizsgalata a muveszeti es a kuratori gyakorlatban;
- a kritikai gondolkodas es a szakmai parbeszed elosegitese;
- a muveszetelmelet es a muveszetkritika szerepe, a kritikai fogalmak elemzese és a hazai kozegre alkalmazhato fogalmak kutatasa;
- a kurator- es a muveszidentitas/szerep nemzetkozi kontextusban valo alakitasa.
Temak 2006-ban:
- a kontextus szerepe a kulturalis termelesben;
- az elmelet és a gyakorlat egymasra hatasa;
- a nyilvanossag lehetseges formai az intezmenyek es az onszervezodesi platformok kozott
- konstruktiv atfedesek a kuratori es muveszeti gyakorlat kozott
Helyszin: Collegium Budapest
1014 Budapest Szentharomsag u. 2.
Datumok es eloadok
2006. szeptember 21-24.
a.. Barbara Steiner, a Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst igazgatoja, Lipcse
Kritikai hozzaallas és intezmenyi tapasztalat egy posztszocialista varos kortars muveszeti intezmenyeben
2006. oktober 19-22.
a.. A Who What and for Whom (WHW) kurátorcsoport, Zágráb
Onszervezodo kulturalis platform munkája a helyi kozeg megteremtese es annak nemzetkozi integracioja kozott
2006. november 23-26.
a.. Branislav Dimitrijevic, teoretikus es kurator, a School for History and Theory of Images, Centre for Contemporary Art alapitoja es tanara, Belgrad
Az aktualis elmeletek helyi adaptacioja. Kultura es politika kapcsolata az osszetett exjugoszlav kontextusban
2006. december 16-17.
a.. Jens Hoffmann, kiallitasi igazgato, Insitute of Contemporary Arts, London
A kiallitas mint tarsadalmi-politikai ter. A kuratori gyakorlat valtozasai
Az egyes eloadokrol es a szeminariumok temáirol informacio a www.tranzit.org oldalon (tovabbi reszletek a tranzit hungary-n belul a tranzit esemenyekre klikkelve) találhato.
Diakok, muveszettörteneszek, muveszek, kuratorok jelentkezeset motivaciós levelben varjuk tranzit at enternet.hu cimre. Egy szeminariumon 15 fo vehet reszt. Az iskola nyelve angol.
Igeny eseten szallasfoglalasban tudunk segiteni.
Jelentkezesi hatarido az elso szeminariumra 2006. szeptember 10.
(A masodikra 2006. oktober 8., a harmadikra 2006. november 12., a negyedikre 2006. december 3.)
tranzit. hu is launching
the Free School for Art Theory and Practice
The Free School for Art Theory and Practice considers as the basis of its philosophy the concept that contemporary art and culture produce an excess of knowledge and experience, which can be recycled and used in broader social discourse, beyond their own primary context. The aim of the Free School is to increase the theoretical and practical arsenal of the local art scene based on active participation and dialogue in seminars, and also by analyzing artistic positions, critical aspects and the institutional system. With its name, the school marks community gatherings for people to meet with a view to exchange knowledge and learn from one another.
The school will function in the form of regular weekend seminars, held by invited curators, theoreticians and artists, allowing for the specificities of the contemporary Hungarian art scene and local discourses.
The goals of the Free School for Art Theory and Practice are:
- To examine the current phenomena of contemporary visual culture in artistic and curatorial practice;
- To enhance critical thinking and dialogue within the art field
- To define the role of art theory and art criticism, to analyse critical concepts and study the possibilities for their adaptation to different contexts
- To discuss the identity /role of the curator and the artist in an international context.
Subjects covered:
- The role of context in cultural production
- The interplay of theory and praxis;
- The public domain between the institutional system and forms of self-organization
- Constructive interplay between curatorial and artistic practice
Target audience:
- Artists, curators, students and anyone interested in contemporary art
Place: Collegium Budapest
1014 Budapest Szentharomsag u. 2.
Dates and lecturers 2006
21 - 24 September, 2006
a.. Barbara Steiner, director Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
19 - 22 October, 2006
a.. A Who What and for Whom (WHW) formation, Zagreb
23 - 26 November, 2006
a.. Branislav Dimitrijevic, art historian, curator. Founder and lecturer of the School for History and Theory of Images, Centre for Contemporary Art, Belgrade
16 - 17 December, 2006
a.. Jens Hoffmann, director of exhibitions, Insitute of Contemporary Arts, London
More information at www.tranzit.org (for detailed seminar program go to tranzit hungary and further to tranzit activities)
How to apply:
Artists, curators, students, who undertake to prepare for and to take an active part in the seminars (as is relevant to the lecturers), are invited to send a letter of motivation.
One seminar may be attended by maximum 15 participants.
Attendance at the free school is free. On request we can help in organization of accommodation.
Application deadline for the first seminar: September 10, 2006
(for the II. seminar October, 8, 2006, III. November 12, 2006, IV: December 3, 2006)
Send applications to: tranzit at enternet.hu
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