[artinfo] isea 2006 symposium call for papers and presentations
Oliver Grau
oliver.grau at donau-uni.ac.at
Wed Jan 25 13:53:00 CET 2006
Important Notice: We listen. There has been considerable feedback that the
original Symposium call did not clearly include a call for Panel proposals.
We have revised the call so that proposals for practice-based panels are
encouraged. The deadline for submission of proposals for ISEA2006 papers,
artist presentations and posters has been extended to January 30th to
accommodate this change. Please note updates to the Symposium Call
ISEA2006 seeks paper and presentation proposals responding to the Symposium
themes of Transvergence, Interactive City, Community Domain or Pacific Rim.
This is the only call for papers and presentations that there will be for
What tactics, issues and conceptual practices expose or inform the
distinctions of these subject terrains relating to contemporary art
practice? What theoretical analyses illuminate art practice engaged with new
technical and conceptual forms, functions and disciplines; provide for
innovative strategies involving urbanity, mobility, community and locality;
examine the role of corporations, civic cultural organizations and their
relationship to strategic planning; serve to expose new portals of
production and experience; and provide for provocative analysis of
contemporary political and economic conditions?
The ISEA2006 Symposium is discussion and conversation based. This
orientation is intended as a break from the tradition of reading academic
papers and the formalities of panels and is the result of a month-long
online discussion with 21 international participants (see list below). All
sessions are moderated, include respondents and are designed to encourage
audience participation. Session formats will emphasize questioning, debate
and provocation. Papers, abstracts and poster texts will be pre-published on
the web and in print. There will be a pre-symposium online public forum
designed to encourage interaction between symposium presenters and the
public to provide for discussion and debate.
We are seeking proposals for papers, artist and poster session.
You must login and create a submission using the official ISEA2006
submission tool.
The ISEA International Program Committee will evaluate submissions.
There is an invisible city growing among the growth of the megacity, and it
is the electromagnetic, hertzian spectrum that flows ceaselessly with data
about and from and between us, but which is always activated by the
interfaces of commerce and government-cell phones, surveillance cameras,
marketing databases, navigation systems that will alert us to a nearby
sale. We imagine the city itself as an interface, which accesses the
future, the past, the distant, the present, the communal, the individual in
marvelous ways that allow us to enjoy the 'opaque and fictitious thickness'
of an invisible city made visible.
The political and economic space of the Pacific Rim represents a dynamic
context for innovation and creativity framed by issues of economic
globalization, isolationist nationalism, regional integrations and
environmental change. The concept of a Pacific Rim is that of a complex
geo-political-economic framework that necessarily includes a vast network of
city-states, regions and their associative relationships that exist beyond
the mere geographic location or assignment of populations. Artists,
designers, theorists, cultural producers, researchers, urban planners and
creative strategist responsive to the rapidly transforming cultural ecology
of Pacific-Asia conditions are invited to submit proposals that serve as
platforms for discussion and debate.
Transvergence goes beyond the disciplinary. Creative interplay of
disciplines to catalyze artistic, scientific, and social innovation is
evidenced by decades of multi-/ pluri-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary
discourse and practice. The models of the think-tank, media lab and research
centre have shown their limits since the 80s and 90s, as have tactical media
activism tied to the logic of events, and NGOs facing the donor system's
arduous accountability requirements; university research is often encumbered
by best-practice driven managerial culture, and 'creative industries'
clusters are subject to economies of scale and uneven divisions of labour.
ISEA seeks new visions of organizational and participatory models as
structures of possibility for transvergent practice.
The Community Domain theme stands in relation to contemporary debate about
'Public Domain 2.0' (Kluitenberg, 2003), but emphasizes the idea of domain
from a grass roots perspective and the idea of community starting with the
individual rather than the demographic. In other words, the goal is not to
train people to become artists but to use digital and networked technologies
to allow people to participate in the creation of their own stories - to
become producers rather than only consumers.
There are three types of Calls for Participation:
Artist Presentations - including Panels
All accepted papers will be part of a pre-Symposium online discussion.
Papers accepted will be pre-published on-line with presentations at the
Symposium limited to 10-15 minutes to encourage moderated discussion among
the panel and with the audience. Paper presenters will be grouped
thematically to encourage discourse that presents divergent perspectives and
views that serve as a catalyst for conversation.
Submission of proposal abstracts: January 30th, 2006
Notification: March 15th, 2006
Abstracts due: April 1, 2006
On-line forum: April 15-May 15, 2006Final manuscripts: June 15, 2006
Papers published: August 1, 2006
Abstracts of accepted proposals will be posted online April 15. A one-month
online pre-symposium public discussion forum will feature discussion with
the authors of the accepted proposals in one week sessions dedicated to each
symposium theme. Draft full manuscripts will be pre-published online
beginning July 1st for Symposium attendees to be able to read prior to the
Symposium. Authors must commit to having papers available for publication by
June 15, 2006. Print publication TBD.
Poster presentations provide the opportunity to showcase individual or group
projects or research of excellence. ISEA2006 will integrate accepted Poster
submissions in a special Poster Session as part of the main track of
Symposium activities. While Posters will be on view throughout the
Symposium, the Poster Session provides a focused, featured platform for the
sharing of creative, research, scholarly or community based initiatives with
Symposium attendees. The Poster Session is a special feature of the main
Symposium track. We strongly encourage submissions of projects and research
that would benefit from the opportunity this format and exchange enables.
Submission for Posters: January 30th, 2006
Notification of acceptance: March 15th 2006
Posters submissions must be presented in a standardized format. Posters are
4 x 5 ft. and must be in a form that can be attached to presentation boards
at the Symposium. A limited number of standard, networked computer stations
will be available to complement the posters.
Artists Presentations are organized into 50-minute sessions. These are open
content presentations for the presentation of artwork, projects or research
initiatives. Sessions can be organized as individual presentations, panels
or in any appropriate format. Presentations do not have to be specific the
Symposium themes. We recognize, of course, that the Artist Presentations
are inadequate to fully present one's work, and we encourage artists to
present paper and poster proposals as well as work (We especially encourage
artists whose work has been accepted to the Symposium and Festival to submit
a presentation proposal.
Submissions should include a brief description of the proposed presentation,
inclusive work and participants along with appropriate documentation.
Submission of proposals for artist presentations: January 30th, 2006
Notification: March 15th, 2006
Artist Presentations will be Webcast live and also available as podcasts
immediately following presentation.
There are five additional categories of Symposium presentations that
contribute to the overall scope of Symposium proceedings: Keynotes, Emergent
Topics, Summit Presentations, Organizational Meetings, and Break Out Rooms.
These are described below. Presenters in these categories will be determined
by ISEA2006. They may be selected from submissions for Papers, Posters, and
Artist Presentations - including Panels, but please, except for
Organizational Meetings, it is not possible to submit directly in these
Keynotes: Keynote presentations are invited featured speakers. Sessions
include a respondent/moderator and have extended opportunities for audience
Emergent Topics: Dedicated sessions on day 3-4 of the Symposium that are a
direct response to the discourses, topics and interactions stemming from
days 1-2. Speakers and topics will be identified through a ballet system
involving all Symposium participants and audiences.
Summit Presentations: There are four pre-symposium Summits focused on
special topics: The Pacific Rim New Media Summit hosted by San Jose State
University; Interactive City hosted by Intel Berkeley Lab; Creative
Communities Forum hosted by the City of San Jose; Artists, Corporation and
Policy hosted by Montalvo Arts Center; and Technology Ethics and Environment
hosted by Santa Clara University. Each will have a dedicated session for
presentation of research, projects and analysis outcomes.
Organizational Meetings: Provision for meeting times and spaces for
international cultural organizations, institutes and programs to host
meetings specific to their constituency. Joel, don't we want people to be
able to request these? To request an Organizational meeting please email
ISEA2006 directly. <isea2006 at cadre.sjsu.edu>
Break Out Rooms: Break Out Rooms provide for discussions and emergent
conversations stemming from Symposium interactions. These are
self-organizing sessions based on Symposium interactions and trajectories. -
Other Calls: Please note, Calls for Workshops and Tours are open until Jan
30th. See http://isea2006.sjsu.edu/calls.html.
The structure of the 13th International Symposium for Electronic Arts was
discussed and outlined in an invited online discussion forum and finalized
by a Local Host Committee. An International Program Committee will jury
Joel Slayton
Steve Dietz
Alex Adriaansens
Peter Anders
Andreas Broeckmann
Danny Butt
Steve Cisler
Nina Czegledy
Sara Diamond
Ken Goldberg
Honor Harger
Doug Kahn
Patrick Lichty
Kim Machan
Amanda McDonald Crowley
Gunalan Nadarajan
Marisa Olson
Christiane Paul
Julianne Pierce
Trebor Scholz
Ana Serano
Rejane Spitz
Carol Stekenas
Mark Tribe
Joel Slayton
Steve Dietz
Jonathan Berger
Natalie Bookchin
Geoffrey C. Bowker
Danny Butt
Laura Esparza
Peter Lunen Feld
Ken Goldberg
John Kreideler
Margaret Morse
Gunalan Nadarajan
Sally Jane Norman
Marisa Olson
Narendra Pachkhede
Christiane Paul
Eric Paulos
Huan Sauss
Trebor Scholz
Carol Stakenas
Eddo Stern
Mark Tribe
Rob van Kranenburg
Victoria Vesna
Steve Wilson
To be announced.
Co-Chairs: Steve Dietz and Joel Slayton
Submissions Due January 30
Notification of Acceptance March 15th
Abstracts April 1
Online Forum April 15 - May 15, 2006
Papers due June 15
Papers published online July 1
Summits, Workshops, Tours August 7-8
Grand Opening Night August 8
ISEA2006 Symposium August 9 - 13
For help or questions: iseahelp at cadre.sjsu.edu
Steve Dietz, Director, ISEA2006 Symposium
Joel Slayton, Chair, ISEA2006 Symposium
Steve Dietz
Director, ZeroOne: The Network
Director, ISEA2006 Symposium +
ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge
http://isea2006.sjsu.edu : August 5-13, 2006
AIM: WebWalkAbout
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