[artinfo] call for presentations over access grid

Denisa Kera denisakera at volny.cz
Fri Feb 24 10:59:40 CET 2006


29. March from 17:30 GMT (12:30 - New York, 18:30 - Prague)

Details on how to install and use access grid - http://www.ciant.cz/ag


Game Engines/Social Engines
- polylogue session about game engines, their social and political aspects

The interdisciplinary meeting should create an open space for deeper 
theoretical reflection on the recent development in the field of serious 
games. We are looking for various perspectives, examples and thoughts on 
social, political and artistic aspects of videogames. Researchers, 
theoreticians, game designers, programmers and artists are welcome to join 
the discussion.

List of topics:

Videogames & Politics
- Political aspects of videogames
- Representation and self-representation
- Digital emancipation and creation of heroes (Middle East, China)
- Persuasive games and games as means of propaganda

Social Engines
- Social aspects of videogames
- Activism and virus campaigns
- Social networking in games
- Educational videogames

Abstracts of papers (15 to 20 min) should reach us before 20th March 2006 in 
order to facilitate moderation. Short presentations (10 min) are also 
possible, send us only the title. Please send us you telephone number, ICQ, 
Skype etc..


Vít Sisler
New Media Studies &
Institute of Near Eastern and African Studies,
Charles University of Prague

Denisa Kera
New Media Studies
Charles University of Prague


This session is a part of a series entitled POLYLOGUES organized by the 
International center for art and new technologies (CIANT) in Prague & New 
media studies (Charles University) in cooperation with Georgia Institute of 
Technology & MARCEL network. It aims to stimulate interdisciplinary exchange 
of ideas via sessions moderated from Prague while having guest speakers from 
all over the world.
We hope to create a bridge between countries that will facilitate 
intercultural or rather intercontinental and interdisciplinary exchanges in 
the fields of art and new technologies. All sessions will be recorded and 
made available to general public in the archive.



Denisa Kera / New Media Studies, Charles University / kera at ff.cuni.cz/ +420 
777 817 774

Pavel Sedlak / CIANT / sedlak at ciant.cz/ +420 737 731 347

CIANT & Charles University node http://www.ciant.cz/ag

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