[artinfo] MEGHIVO Stevan Vukovic eloadasara 2006. augusztus 31. (csütörtök) 19 óra
tijana stepanovic
tijana.stepanovic at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 10:26:49 CEST 2006
Stevan Vukoviæ
The Belgrade Experimental Art Scene Now
Institutional and Parainstitutional Practices
címû elõadására
Idõpont: 2006. augusztus 31. (csütörtök) 19 óra
Helyszín: Szimpla Kert ( VII. ker. Kazinczy u. 14)
Stevan Vukoviæ belgrádi esztéta és kurátor. 2003-tól a belgrádi Studentski
Kulturni Centar, korábban az O3ONE, a Remont és a Belgrádi Ifjúsági
Kulturális Központ kurátora.
Stevan Vukoviæ gazdag képanyaggal illusztrált elõadása a kortárs szerb
képzõmûvészeti szcénába vezet be, különös hangsúlyt fektetve az
intézményiség, a kritika, mûvészet és politika, valamint mûvészet és
aktivizmus kérdéskörére.
Minden érdeklõdõt szeretettel várunk.
Az elõadás angol nyelven folyik, tolmácsolást nem tudunk biztosítani
Stevan Vukoviæ az ACAX-Nemzetközi Kortárs Képzõmûvészeti Iroda meghívására
látogat Magyarországra.
Idelogies of modernism... Art and politics... Context aware art and issues
of political correctness... Experiments with art in the social context:
Social Art - Socialist Realism - Socialist Aestheticism - Soros Realism...
Art and activism in 1990's and after... Emancipatory art and emancipatory
politics... Experimental and innovative art versus emancipatory art...
Integration of the 'Other line' (based on the heritages of conceptual and
processual art, fluxus and arte povera) into the main stream...
Experimental art in the institutional context... Institutional critique
versus institutionalized critique... Parainstitutional practices... Art and
dissent: anarchia and arachnia... Ideal of horizontal networks: can we
out-cooperate the Empire?... Collective identities without identity
politics... Beyond curating.
Stevan Vukoviæ is art theorist and curator based in Belgrade, Serbia. From
2003 on he is curating visual arts at the Student Cultural Center in
Belgrade www.skc.org.yu, while his previous posts in the local art system
include programe management in O3ONE Art Space www.o3.co.yu, ( from 2004 to
2005), management of digital art programs at the Belgrade Youth Cultural
www.dob.co.yu (in 2002) and curating gallery programs at the Remont
Independent Art Association www.remont.co.yu (from 2000 to 2003). He is also
actively involved in institutional capacity building, starting with a joint
project with Zoran Eric, titled BAZA (Belgrade Art Initiatives
http://www.baza.org.yu/) in 2000, then SMS (School of Missing Studies
http://www.schoolofmissingstudies.net/) from 2003 on, and Paps (Public Art -
Public Space http://www.publicart-publicspace.org/) from 2003 on. He has
extensively curating exhibition of contemporary experimental art, and his
most visible exhibition consisting of artists from Belgrade were the
- Belgrade Art Inc. http://www.secession.at/art/2004_belgrad_e.html ,
held at the Secession, Association of Visual Artists Vienna Secession,
Friedrichstrasse 12, 1010 Vienna, Main Hall, July 2 - September 5, 2004
- Urban Fog of Belgrade http://www.trans-formers.org/220_e_dates.htm ,
The city in the foggy quest for new urbanity, Urban Drift, Bikinihaus,
Budapester Strasse 48, Berlin, Germany, November 7 ? 23, 2003,
- Balkan Konsulat: Mission Belgrade
http://rotor.mur.at/con_belgrad-eng.html , held at Rotor Gallery in Graz,
Austria, from October 26 to December 21, 2002.
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