[artinfo] New Technologies - Distribution of Video Art
Marieke Istha
istha at montevideo.nl
Sat Mar 26 12:29:00 CET 2005
New Technologies - Distribution of Video Art
Seminar + expert meetings on new techniques for distribution and
author's rights
April 14 - 16, 2005
Locations: De Balie and the Netherlands Media Art Institute
During Dutch Open, April 14 - 16, the Netherlands Media Art Institute
is organizing a seminar and expert meetings on new techniques and
their potential for the distribution of video art. In the seminar
prominent speakers will illuminate the present state of affairs, and
on the basis of case studies Dutch and international artists,
researchers and cultural institutions will present their activities
to the public. The material will be discussed in greater depth during
the expert meetings. Among other subjects to be discussed are
distribution practice (traditional, and cutting edge), new
initiatives and new technologies, and the use of open source,
creative commons and author's rights. The purpose of this event is to
carry on a lively debate on alternative models for the traditional
distribution of video art.
April 14 Seminar
Location: De Balie
10:30 - 13:00 h. Distribution Practice
1. European distribution practice: Netherlands Media Art
Institute, Amsterdam: Bart Rutten www.montevideo.nl
2. American distribution practice: Electronic Arts Intermix,
New York; John Tomson www.eai.org
3. Alternative models: PARK, Dick Tuinder http://park.nl
4. New initiatives: CinemaNet Europe, Huub Roelvink
14:00 - 17:00 h. State of the new
1. New initiatives: Michael Brynntrup www.brynntrup.de/
2. Copyright/DRM etc.: UvA, Bernt Hugenholtz
3. Technique: Surfnet, Egon Verharen www.surfnet.nl/info/en/home.jsp
4. Reflection: Francis McKee
April 15 Expertmeeting
Location: Netherlands Media Art Institute
Theme: Databases & New technologies
10:30 - 13:00 h. moderator Dirk de Wit (IAK / IBK - Digitaal platform)
1. Catalogue and CMS; Netherlands Media Art Institute Wiel
Seuskes & Bart Rutten
2. Lux Online; Lucy Reynolds
3. ...
April 16 Expertmeeting
Location: Netherlands Media Art Institute
Theme: Copyright, creative commons
10.30 - 13.00 h. moderator Robert de Geus
1. Copyright introduction; Paul Keller (Creative Commons)
2. Sampling and ownership; Jasper van den Brink, media artist
3. Who owns what; Jaromil
4. Creative Commons; Paul Keller
Visitor information Seminar + expert meetings:
The seminar in De Balie on April 14 is open to everyone.
The expert meetings on April 15 and 16 are only open to specialists.
Participation in both the seminar and the expert meetings by registration.
For registration: Arianne van der Veen arianne at montevideo.nl
Dutch Open
International Festival for Dutch Film and Video Art
April 14 - 17
De Balie, Amsterdam
Dutch Open is a new phenomenon in The Netherlands. For four days
Dutch Open will offer the unique possibility of experiencing a
program packed with the latest Dutch films and videos. It is unique
because it provides a complete overview of the film and video art
that is pushing back the boundaries, this time not hidden away on
side programs in out-of-the-way theatres, but in the full glare of
the spotlights! www.dutchopen.org
Press accreditation:
Press cards are issued to people who meet certain criteria. If you
are associated with a newspaper, a magazine or other media that
report on art in general and/or media art in particular, you are
eligible to receive a press card. If necessary we will contact you
for further information regarding your application.
Contact press: Marieke Istha, communication, Netherlands Media Art
Institute istha at montevideo.nl
Netherlands Media Art Institute
Montevideo/Time Based Arts
Keizersgracht 264
1016 EV Amsterdam
T +31 20 6237101
F +31 20 6244423
info at montevideo.nl
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