[artinfo] tank.tv open call
Laure Prouvost
laure at tank.tv
Tue Feb 22 22:32:30 CET 2005
Tank.tv has been offered a spot at the Stella Artois After Dark Cinema
events throughout 2005 - there will be four events, one in Manchester,
one in Birmingham, one in Cardiff and the last one in London
throughout the year. We are working with them to showcase the best
of tank.tv and moving images, as the brand is dedicated to working
with filmmakers.
There is a loose theme of "Light" but this should not restrict your ideas.
Created by Tank in 2003 as an online gallery space, tank.tv presents a
range of films by established and emerging artists and total unknowns.
It is dedicated to exhibiting movingimages and promoting experimentation
and talent in a free and accessible way. The films, all three minutes or less,
range from narrative to the abstract and experimental,
and can be made in film or video.
For this event tank.tv will be showing the best of tank.tv, but would like
to also welcome new submissions espcially for the events.
Move us, show us, we look forward to recieve your moving images.
Just follow the link to submit:
The deadline is the 5th March 2005
move me, show me.
tank.tv is also looking for people interested in doing part time work
experience in our offices,
send cv to:
movies at tank.tv
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