[artinfo] Yugoline in ESC

Paula Miklosevic paula_mik at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 19 11:25:13 CET 2005

Yugoline, Video Art and Photography from Serbia
22nd February - 12th March 2005

ESC im Labor
Jakoministrasse 16
8010 Graz, Austria
tel  0043 316 83 60 00

participating artists: 
Jovan Cekic, Goran Micevski, Paula Miklosevic,
Katarina Radovic, Bojana Romic, Ivana Smiljanic
curated by: Paula Miklosevic Muhr


Identifying somebody as being part of a certain region
means situating him/her into a strictly defined
cultural and political context, which determines our
perception of that person, thus branding him/her.
Yugoline, however, offers a different perspective, in
the sense that it avoids self-evident regional

The exhibition compares and contrasts six thematically
diverse positions, which have one main point in common
– all the artists place themselves within the image,
making their own bodies the site or the means of
intervention. Yet, none of the works attempt to
disclose the artists’ personal identities - their
references range from gender position, popular
culture, consumerism, history of art, global politics,
religion, taboo to everyday routines. By appearing
themselves in their videos and photographs, they
challenge the convention of a discrete, recognisable
author, since the image of the self they offer to the
viewer is always already a construct.

In addition to specific topics of their individual
works, they also address the question the conditions
of perception of art and the cultural stereotypes
related to it. The chosen videos and photographic
series remain between artifice and reality,
investigating the very conventions of image-making.


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