[artinfo] Fwd: LAST CALL: Gulliver Connect 2006, Connecting the Caucasus

Artpool Art Research Center artpool at artpool.hu
Wed Dec 7 17:18:21 CET 2005

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Felix Meritis News" <News at Felix.Meritis.NL>
> Date: December 7, 2005 12:35:56 PM GMT+01:00
> To: "Felix Meritis News" <News at Felix.Meritis.NL>
> Subject: LAST CALL: Gulliver Connect 2006, Connecting the Caucasus
> G U L L I V E R   C O N N E C T   2006
> A mobility programme with work  placements  for young artists, art  
> managers and professionals  in related areas
> for visitors and hosts from within all EU member states to and from  
> the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia)
> Gulliver Connect aims to:
> ·         facilitate collaborative partnerships between arts  
> practitioners from countries as mentioned above
> ·         encourage the process of 'learning from practice'
> There are approximately 15 bursaries available of approximately  
> 1500 Euro each.
> The bursary covers the work placement costs of travel,  
> accommodation and a daily allowance
> for period of between 3 and with a maximum of 6 weeks, if feasible  
> within the budget.
> For more information and for the application forms, please visit  
> our new website http://www.gulliverconnect.org
> The deadline for completed applications is December 15, 2006.
> All applicants will be informed by the end of January 2006.
> The work placements can take place until the end of November 2006.
> Contact details:
> Gulliver Connect Co-ordinator
> The Felix Meritis Foundation
> Keizersgracht 324
> 1016 EZ Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> Tel:       + 31 - 20 - 626 23 21
> Fax:     + 31 - 20 - 624 93 68
> Email:   mailto:connect at felix.meritis.nl
> Site:     http://www.gulliverconnect.org

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