[artinfo] re: CESTA's 10th Arts Festival of International, Interdisciplinary Collaborations

CESTA cesta at mbox.vol.cz
Wed Oct 27 00:58:31 CEST 2004

Call for Submissions:

Spirit Matters
CESTA’s 10th Arts Festival of International, Interdisciplinary Collaborations
August 2005

The desire to define existence has produced the most contentious struggles since the 
dawn of humanity. Civilization is the result of myriad definitions evidenced by science, 
philosophy and religion. During the epoch of postmodernism, the rift between the 
spiritual and the material began to grow at an exponential rate; yet, both sides of this split 
still claim to encompass the other. This contradiction translates into dichotomous 
interpretations of reality, morality, purpose, expression and power.
For Spirit Matters, CESTA invites artists from all disciplines to approach and interpret the 
diverse roles spirituality plays in the inspiration to make, and the creation and critique of, 
artistic work. We ask artists to collaborate in developing works, which critically address 
the tension and harmony between knowledge and belief, understanding and mystery, the 
devoted and the devout.

CESTA's festival themes and parameters of cross-national interdisciplinary 
collaborations represent the center's commitment to improving communication through 
creative expression. We base our selection of artists on a review of applications resulting 
from our annual open call. Applicants request CESTA to connect them with one or more 
collaboration partners or apply as a pre-formed collaboration group. For Spirit Matters all 
final festival collaboration groups must be: 

1) Cross-national: more than one nationality
2) Interdisciplinary: more than one artistic medium
3) Collaborative: conceptualizing and creating interdependent artistic work

AND must contain work created exclusively for Spirit Matters.

If you have a group, which fits the above parameters, you may qualify to apply as a pre-
formed collaboration group. Details for applying as a pre-formed collaboration group are 
on the application form.

Festival Application Deadline: December 3, 2004 (postmarked)

On-site collaborations in progress: August 1-24
Meet the Artists - presentations of participants’ past work: August 14-21
Seminars, workshops and educational programs on the festival theme: August 14-21
Final presentations of the collaboration groups: August 26-28
Daily reviews of the presentations: August 27-29

For an Application Form or more information, please visit our website or contact us at:

Novakova 387, Tabor 39001, Czech Republic
tel: +420-381-258-004
email: cesta at mbox.vol.cz

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