[artinfo] CarbonArt'2004

ksak.info ksak.info at mail.md
Thu May 27 15:54:05 CEST 2004

C A R B O N A R T  2 0 0 4
Memory lane

On the period of 04-10 August 2004, Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau 
[ksa:k] is planning to organize the 9-th edition of the International Camp 
of Creation and Exhibition CarbonArt'2004.

Location: College of Plastic Arts “Al. Plamadeala”
Project curator - Lilia Dragneva
Project organizer - Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau [ksa:k], Rep. of 
Financed by: Soros Foundation Moldova
Informational support: DNT Association
German Embassy in Moldova
ifa Institut fur Auslandsbeziehunden
College of Plastic Arts “Al. Plamadeala”

Project theme:
Artificial creator in possible reality. Innovation as an alternative to 
traditionalism. Remembering, mental action, linked to search, to restoring 
and recalling needed information from permanent memory. The memory lane. 
Remembering the present. The memory of walls. Simulating reality. Random 
access memory. Human memory and its textual, mechanical, electronic, or 
virtual analogies.

Project concept:
To create for artists an environment where an exchange between individual 
recall, historic (artistic) recall of the past and permanent memory will 
take place, all of these being under the influence of external 
factors—place/building. The artistic materialization of memory through 
textual, manual, mechanic, electronic or virtual means.

* memory lane - an imaginary path through the nostalgically remembered 
past. Used in such phrases as a walk down memory lane.(BRITANICA)

For more detailed info about CarbonArt'2004 project, please, take a look at:

We would be glad to receive names, brief artistic biography of the artists 
who want to participate in the project, as well a brief idea/project 
concerning the work, which is going to be done here.
The Center is going to provide the participants with accommodations, meal 
and materials (except traveling expenses).
All information should be sent by e-mail or fax to the Center for 
Contemporary Art, Chisinau, as soon as possible, but not later than by June 
25, 2004.

For additional information, please, don't hesitate to contact us:
Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau, [ksa:k]
Str. Independentei 1 , Chisinau 2043 Moldova
Phone/fax: + 373 22 573395, + 373 22 772507
E-mail: ksak at moldova.md

All the best,
Lilia Dragneva

e-mail: ksak.info at mail.md

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