[artinfo] [spectre] __ call for projects__sagasnet__developing interactive narrative content

sagasnet sagasnet at sagasnet.de
Mon Mar 1 21:57:15 CET 2004

call for projects
(no restriction on platform, genre, target audience
as long as projects are interactive and story based)

Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar
May 4 ­ 10 2004
Stuttgart, Germany
in conjunction with fmx/04
Working Language: English
sagasnet is a non-profit training initiative to further content development
for interactive media supported by the European MEDIA Plus Programme
Training + designed in the first place for participants coming from
MEDIA member countries
During the Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar up to 10
pre-selected interactive narrative projects in development
(no limitation on media, genre or target audience) will be provided in
parallel with up to ten high-profile face-to-face consulting sessions (on
financing, project management, marketing, story structure, game play,
interface design ...).
Consultants will be chosen according to the needs of the selected projects.

Provide your 3-6 page project description (in English) before March 15 2004.
Details: www.sagasnet.de or contact: sagasnet at sagasnet.de

consultancy in previous sagasnet seminars was provided a.o. by
Frank Alsema, Ijsfontein, NL | Sebastian Belcher, Harbottle & Lewis, UK |
Susanne Berkenheger, D | Matt Costello, Katonah Productions, USA | Kirk
Ewing, ICMI International Creative Management Interactive, UK | Martin
Freeth, Multimedia and TV Production and Consultancy, UK | Bob Hopkins,
Wisemonkeys, UK | Eero Iloniemi,Venture Fund for Creative Industries, FIN |
Stephan Kolloff,Tivola Verlag GmbH, D | Miriam Kunz, Der Kinderkanal, D |
Michael Lew, Media Lab Europe, IRL| Craig Lindley, Interactive Institute, S|
Mark Stephen Meadows, F/USA | Greg Roach, Hyperbole Studios, USA | Christian
Routh, Routh Barons, E | Vincent Scheurer, Osborne Clarke, UK |

best regards,

Brunhild Bushoff
Project Manager
Please distribute this information to interested friends and colleagues.

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c/o Bayerisches Filmzentrum
Bavariafilmplatz 7
D-82031 Muenchen-Gruenwald
tel      + 49 89   64 98 11 29
fax      + 49 89  64 98 13 29
mobile + 49 (0) 171 45 28 0 52
URL   http://www.sagasnet.de
e-mail sagasnet at sagasnet.de
a joint initiative of
& Academy for TV and Film Munich

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