[artinfo] MediaDemocracy and Telestreet. Networking Free TV

Tatiana Bazzichelli t.bazzichelli at mclink.it
Mon Jun 21 08:43:10 CEST 2004

Exhibition and Event
MediaDemocracy and Telestreet
Networking Free TV
Muffathalle, Munich, July 14. - 16. 2004
The exhibition and event "MediaDemocracy and Telestreet. Networking Free
TV" presents some important projects and critical positions on Italian
'media guerilla' and independent communication. While Berlusconi holds
the media monopoly, since many years a network of free TV station,
radios and Internet platforms has developed on the fringes of the
Italian media landscape. They promote, spread and provide access to
information that is not transmitted elsewhere. They document and produce
political and media intervention.

July 14th 2004 17:00
Opening of the exhibition
Presentation of the recently completed DVD P2P-FightSharing 01+02
The DVD presents possibilities of transeuropean cooperation and
networking in order to combine political and communication struggles.
This means for example: metropolitan strikes, civil disobedience, media
activism, and information guerilla or image sabotage.

The exhibition will feature Candida TV, Minimal TV, New Global Vision,
Rekombinant, P2P-FightSharing, infoAccessibile and Telestreet Videos.

Curators: Tatiana Bazzichelli (AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism
Alexandra Weltz (a_weltz at hotmail.com)

July 15th 2004 Event
14.30 ñ 16.00 Presentation
infoAccessibile (Enrico Bisenzi - www.infoaccessibile.com)
Minimal TV (Giacomo Verde - www.minimaltv.cjb.net)
New Global Vision (N.N. - www.ngvision.org)
16.30 ñ 17-30
Rekombinant (Matteo Pasquinelli - www.rekombinant.org)
Candida TV (Agnese Trocchi - www.candidatv.tv)
Discussion MediaDemocracy and Telestreet
Networking Free TV

20.30 Screening RADIO ALICE - A documentary about the mother of all free
radios and the '77 movement in Italy. Director: Guido Chiesa, 2002, 59 min.
after the film: "...qui e' la guerrilla - Tunes for Casinoî with DJ Bellissima"

Va bene / Understanding Europe: Italia
Events on culture and politics by Bundeszentrale für politische

More info on: http://www.ecn.org/aha

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