[artinfo] backup 2004 call for entries
backup office
juliane.fuchs at jena.thur.de
Sun Jun 6 00:21:57 CEST 2004
backup_festival. new media in film
backup is an international festival for film and video productions developed
using digital tools and a stock-taking within the realm of 'new media'.
backup began in the European Cultural Capital Year 1999. during the past
backup has reached a level that secures it a respectable place
among the European festivals. last year we received over 1100 entries from
44 countries for the international competition. there was an fruitful
cooperation with media businesses, and likewise joint events with other
German and European universities besides Weimar's Bauhaus University.
the deadline for entries is July 15, 2004 (postmark and online)
the date of our festival in 2004: October 7 - 10
additionally, all of the information is available online.
you can register with the form on our website www.backup-festival.com
until July 15.
the call for entries
this year there are two interesting sections at the moment:
for the international backup.award we are at first interested in shorts
which are no longer than 15 minutes and not older than two years. we are
interested in film and video productions developed using digital means.
(shorts, music video, experimental, trailer and so on) prizes will be
awarded with a total value of 4,500 euro.
we also have the backup.clipaward for music video.
It is a national (German) award for experimental music videos
that investigate the possibilities of digital media technologies.
the clips should also not be older than two years.
prizes will be awarded with a total value of 3,000 euro.
for general information on backup and for online submission,
please visit our website at:
if you would like to learn more about backup's concept and program,
please send an e-mail to our program team at:
programm at backup-festival.de
in case you require information on how to submit an entry to the
international backup.award or the national backup.clipaward
or become part of backup please address to:
award at backup-festival.de (marc olff, dirk heinje);
clipaward at backup-festival.de (richard anjou, marc olff);
we will be glad to receive your entries and we will be pleased if you offer
the information to interested filmmakers.
best regards,
juliane fuchs
c/o Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
Bauhausstrasse 11
99423 Weimar
tel +49 (0) 36 43 / 49 46 136
fax +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 37 01
funk +49 (0) 171 / 42 85 044
office at backup-festival.de
Weimar | 7.-10.10. 2004
in Kooperation mit / in cooperation with:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Medien
gefördert durch / funded by:
MDM - Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung
Thüringer Kultusministerium
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Stiftung Kulturfonds
StudierendenKonvent BU Weimar
Studentenwerk Jena / Weimar
Thüringer Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
LAG Soziokultur Thüringen
Goethe-Institut Weimar
Köstritz-Wernesgrüner Vertriebsgesellschaft
Anders + Kern
Stadt Weimar - Kulturamt
Medienpartner / media partners
Zuschüsse weiterer Förderer /
contributions made by other supporters
Mitgliedschaften / affiliations:
ECFF – European Coordination of Film Festivals
AG Kurzfilm
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