[artinfo] Fwd: FW: NEWS from MARS - Media Arts Research Studies

Peter Mazsa pmazsa@hotmail.com
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 15:48:21 +0200

>From: rosalind.johnson@cilip.org.uk
>Reply-To: owner-cultivate-list@ukoln.ac.uk
>To: cultivate-list@ukoln.ac.uk
>Subject: FW: NEWS from MARS - Media Arts Research Studies
>Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 10:03:01 +0100
>For your information, press release received by the CULTIVATE partners.
>Rosalind Johnson
>CILIP: The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
>-----Original Message-----
>From: monika fleischmann
>To: rosalind.johnson
>Sent: 05/09/02 08:49
>Subject: NEWS from MARS - Media Arts Research Studies
>Dear Sir or Madam, colleagues and friends,
>Among the 15 Art and Technology Labs selected from around the world to
>display their projects and latest developments at the exhibition
>"Art.ficial Emotion" in Saõ Paulo from 11 August to 13 October 2002 is
>the research group MARS - Media Arts Research Studies.
>The MARS lab at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication (IMK)
>combines interactive art and media technology research in a distinctive
>way. In the context of the establishment and further development of
>media art and the digital culture, the expertise of the
>interdisciplinary team of researchers is in demand both within Germany
>and internationally. At the invitation of the renowned media culture
>centre Itaú Cultural, the MARS lab is presenting its work with a
>sensor-based video-jukebox installation in Brazil.
>To coincide with the opening of the exhibition, an international
>symposium was also held, at which the international experts in art and
>the new media who gave papers included MARS lab heads Monika Fleischmann
>and Wolfgang Strauss. Additional talks on the subject of art and digital
>culture were held at the Goethe Institute and at the two major
>universities of Saõ Paulo.
>A second symposium on the subject of InterMedia was then held at the
>Goethe Institute in Salvador in cooperation with the Alliance Française.
>We would like to draw your attention to the competition "digital sparks"
>organised on an annual basis by the MARS Exploratory Media Lab. You will
>find further information, including this year's prizewinners, at:
>I am delighted to be able to make available to you a recent piece from
>the ARTE television science programme Archimedes about my research group
>Media Arts Research Studies (MARS) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media
>Communication, which can be viewed online or downloaded for research
>purposes: (Unfortunately available only in German and French)
>MARS@Arte TV (streaming - to view): French
>MARS@Arte TV (streaming - to view): German
>MARS@ARTE TV (MPEG-1 - to download): German
>We would be delighted if you could let us know about current interactive
>media projects for our future research work and our planned publication.
>The projects are to be assigned to different thematic categories:
>a) digital interactive art/architecture/design/performance
>b) digital cultural heritage
>c) digital knowledge space
>See next MARS Workshop on 25/26 October 2002: Perspectives on Networked
>Knowledge Spaces.
>If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions - also for other
>possible collaborations with the MARS Lab - please contact us directly
>at our editorial office: redaktion@netzspannung.org
>We look forward to a lively exchange with you.
>Yours faithfully
>Monika Fleischmann, August 2002
>Head of MARS - Exploratory Media Lab
>Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication | Schloss Birlinghoven |
>D-53754 Sankt Augustin | Germany | email: fleischmann@imk.fhg.de |
>For further information the netzspannung.org media lab on the Internet:

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