[artinfo] Going Underground - Call for Entries
C3 Information
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 16:24:32 +0200
Call for Entries
Berliner Fenster & interfilm Berlin present:
=E2=80=9CGoing Underground 2=E2=80=9D
2nd International Short Film Festival in the Berlin Subway
31.Jan.-06.Feb. 2003
In the week of the festival 14 ShortFilms will be shown
on the monitors in the Berlin Subway Trains.
The passengers will be the jury.
The winners of the Going Underground Awards will be rewarded with:
1. Prize 4000,- =E2=82=AC
2. Prize 2500, -=E2=82=AC
3. Prize 1500,- =E2=82=AC
Films for competition may be no longer than 90 sec.
The may be silent and free of extreme violent or obsecene content.
Application Deadline is the 13th December 2002.
Reglement & Application see attachment or www.interfilm.de