[artinfo] Newsletter No. 3 (fwd)

C3 Information info@c3.hu
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 12:10:58 +0100

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:16:02 +0100
From: Kurzfilmtage <info@kurzfilmtage.de>
Reply-To: editor@shortfilm.de
To: magazin-i@bonsai.kurzfilmtage.de
Subject: Newsletter No. 3

NEWSLETTER No. 3 (January 2002)


Dear Readers!

Let me start off by wishing you all the best for the New Year 2002!

Despite the holidays, there have been a number of new developments during
the past weeks, which we will keep you current on in our newly updated
Short Film Magazine. As always, the Festival Calendars have also been
brought up to the present status.

Our topic article in this issue deals with current German film policy.
Above and beyond this specific theme, however, it also treats the issue of
the short film=92s status in the cinema in general, a situation that is
similar in many other countries. It would thus be interesting to hear from
not only German readers, but also from the international readers of the
Short Film Magazine concerning your views on these developments and which
solutions you recommend.

We would once again like to take this opportunity to invite all subscribers
and readers to take part in our Forum and to feel free to make use of the
Short Film Magazine as a platform for announcements and the exchange of
pertinent information.

Until next time

Reinhard W. Wolf



Short Film in the Cinema =96 Anachronisms in Film Promotion

At the end of 2001 Germany=92s State Minister for Cultural and Media Affair=
Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-R=FCmelin, published a "Film Policy Plan" in which he
outlined proposals for the reform of film promotion and for upgrading the
status of the German film as a cultural asset.
The invitation presented by the State Minister to respond to his proposals
and to take these up in public discourse provides a welcome opportunity to
take a closer look at a specific aspect of German film funding practice,
namely the fixation on the short film merely as warm-up in front of a
feature film. (=85)
It thus becomes clear that the present short film promotion policies of the
federal government constitute an anachronism, based on a completely
obsolete image of the commercial and cultural position of the short film. (=
The situation described above is similar to that in many other countries
and the conclusions can be applied there as well. It would thus be
interesting to hear not only from German readers, but also from
international readers of this short film magazine on how they view these
developments and which solutions they would suggest. At least in Germany,
there now seems to be an opportunity to correct the present course of
events. The plan put forth by the State Minister, who understands and
supports film policy as a vital part of cultural policy, forms the first
step toward a fruitful discourse on the potential reform of film policy. We
need to seize this opportunity!
for the whole story see:


Turner Prize: Films by Isaac Julien at the Tate Gallery || 09.12.2002

British filmmaker Isaac Julien has been nominated for the Turner Prize
2001. As one of the 4 artists on the short list to receive this most
important and prestigious of British visual arts honours, Julien=92s films
"The Long Road to Mazatl=E1n" (1999/2000) and "Vagabondia" (2000) were show=
as multiple projections at the Tate Gallery (now know as the Tate Britain).
Isaac Julien, known for his films "Looking for Langston", "Young Soul
Rebels" and the short film "The Attendant", thus takes his place amongst
the growing number of British film artists who are turning away from the
cinema and tending more toward the gallery and arts scene. Julien is now
being represented by London=92s Victoria Miro Gallery.
Despite the insiders=92 expectations, however, Isaac Julien did not walk aw=
with the grand prize. Instead, it was presented on the 9th of December by
Madonna to the controversial artist Martin Creed, whose work "The lights
going on and off" =96 and the title pretty much sums it up =96 provoked hea=
protests from the British fine arts scene, especially from the painters=92

More News:
=96 VIPER =96 Change in Management
=96 Short Film Reels Touring Kommunale Kinos
=96 Paper Tiger Television Offers Alternative Information on 11th September
=96 Electronic Arts Intermix (NY) Presents Peggy Ahwesh
=96 Videoart Center Tokyo Founded
=96 European Media Art Tour 2001/2002
=96 Short Film in Spain =96 Production Promotion Balance Sheet

Further information:


=96 Jon Jost's DV Project - Worldview
=96 El Hard Rock Caf=E9 Madrid Presents Short Films
=96 ARTE Celebrates First Anniversary of Court-Circuit Magazine
=96 Filmwaves UK
=96 Micromovies =96 New Competition at the Tampere Film Festival
=96 Sundance Festival 2002 =96 Documentary Films Predominate
=96 VIP Online Society Calendar
=96 Short Films on Television

Further information:


Awards at the 6th Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio Siena ||

Gran Prix: "The Case of Majella McGinty" by Kirsten Sheridan, Ireland.
Special Prize: "Motorcycle" by Adita Assarat, Thailand.
Best Fiction: "A Telephone Call for Genevieve Snow" by Peter Long, Australi=
Best Documentary: "Mormor, Hitler och jag" by Carl Johan De Greer, Sweden.
Best Animation/Experimental: "Stronjenie instrumentow" by Jerzy Kucia, Pola=
Audience Prize: "Ela na sou po" by Katerina Filiotou, Greece.
Kids Jury Prize: "Tij" by Vincent Biarrewaerts, Belgium.
Cinemavvenire Award for Best Italian Film: "L'ultimo rimasto in piedi" by
Ugo Capolupo.

More Awards and Honours:
=96 Short Film Award at European Film Awards 2001
=96 Short Film Award at 12th Kinofest L=FCnen
=96 Awards at Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche
=96 Short Film Awards at 14th Exground Filmfest Wiesbaden
=96 Short Film Awards at 19th Torino Film Festival
=96 Short Film Awards at 9th Filmfestival M=FCnster
=96 Film+ Schnitt Award
=96 Awards at 19th Festival Tous Courts, Aix-en-Provence
=96 Short Film Awards at International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam
=96 Awards at Seoul Net Festival 2001
=96 Awards at 43rd Festival Int. de Cine Documental y Cortometraje Bilbao
=96 Awards at 11th Mostra Curta Cinema Rio de Janeiro
=96 Awards at 35th New York Exposition of Short Film and Video EXPO 2001
=96 Short Film Awards at Cinemanila International Film Festival
=96 Short Film Nominations for XVI. PREMIOS GOYA, Spain
=96 Commendations presented for Short Films by the Filmbewertungsstelle

Further information:


Festivals in Germany
International Festivals

Further information

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