[artinfo] MW2002 Early Registration ends this Friday (fwd)
C3 Information
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 19:54:08 +0100
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Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 20:25 -0500
From: MW2002 Boston <mw2002-Boston@archimuse.com>
To: Edina Csoka <info@c3.hu>
Subject: MW2002 Early Registration ends this Friday
Museums and the Web 2002
April 17-20, 2002
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Don't forget that early registration for Museums and the Web 2002
closes January 18, 2002!
MW2002 will be the place to review the state of the web in arts,
culture, and heritage. The program is packed with opportunities to
see best practices and new directions.
Speakers from around the world will summarize their activities in
sessions and panels. Pre-conference workshops provide in-depth
study of methods and issues in design, development, evaluation and
maintenance of heritage Web sites. Throughout MW2002, a variety
of session formats including the Crit Rooms, a Usability Lab,
Mini-Workshops, and Demonstrations offer diverse modes of
presentation. An Exhibit Hall features the latest in commercial
technology and services. A variety of evening social events ensure
plenty of opportunity to build your personal network.
Register on-line to take advantage of special early registration
rates at http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/register/
Plan to join us in Boston, for the sixth Museums and the Web
conference, described by an attendee at MW2001 as "one of the
best conferences in the digital library area".
MW2002 Co-Chairs:
David Bearman, Archives & Museum Informatics
Flavia Sparacino, MIT Media Lab
Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics
Museums and the Web Boston, Massachusetts
Archives & Museum Informatics April 17-20, 2002
2008 Murray Ave, Suite D
Pittsburgh, PA 15217 phone +1 412 422 8530
USA fax +1 412 422 8594